№ 15: Home

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It was December 30, the time for you to go back home.

You yawned. You were already at the kitchen table, eating with your family. You were rushing to go home since you only have 1 hour left to prepare.

"Sweetie, don't forget to call us once in a while, okay?" Your mom says as you prepare your things, trying to make yourself presentable. "Why wouldn't I?" You say, grabbing your luggage as you hug your mom and dad. After that you proceeded to hug your siblings (or cousins) tight.

"If you have a boyfriend, don't even try to hide it from us." Your siblings said. you shot them a weird look. "As if." You laugh and you guys let go. You walk out the door and wave back to you family as they stood at the door, saying their farewells to you as you left.  You were about to leave to the sidewalk when all of a sudden bump into someone.

'I think I already know who this might be.'

You thought as you hear your siblings squealed at you and Jake.

"Hey, Y/N. You're leaving already?" You look at Jake, who, was holding a bouquet of flowers. He hands the bouquet to you, taking it from his hands. "What's this? A sign of thanks for my leave?" You ask as Jake laughs.

"No, my mom wanted to give you this." He says. You tried to carried the heavy bouquet in your hands.

"Well, if it's your mom, then I don't mind." You say, patting him on the back as a sign of thanks. "Thanks for the gift, I'll see you later." You said and walked away from him. He looks  back at you, your siblings continued to tease you with Jake.

After walking for 30 minutes, you finally reached your ride and went back home.


Once you've finally reached home, you excitedly stepped inside. B/F/N already announce that the New Year party will start tomorrow. But that doesn't mean that you guys still needed to prepare for the events.

The event will be held in B/F/N's house, since she has the biggest house among the four of you.

"Y/N, Y/N!" You smiled when you heard B/F/N's voice.

You run up to the door and opened it wide. B/F/N pounced at you, giving you the 3rd warmest hug you've ever had.

"Y/N! I miss you! Even Albert kept asking if you're ever coming back!" B/F/N said as she drags you outside. "I still have to prepare, B/F/N." You chuckled. B/F/N shakes her head and pulls your hand.

"Now's not the time! I'm trying to keep this New Year party a secret since I want them to be amaze at our preparation!" She says and you guys started running to her house. You sigh , going along with her plans.


You guys stop at her doorstep, B/F/N unlocking the front door. Your eyes widen in amazement, seeing that the living room was already prepared with Christmas all around. You see the gifts that you and B/F/N already wrapped, the other gifts that you didn't recognize were probably from Kaden and Albert.

You could also see that the tables were already decorated and prepared with plates and empty food bowls, also decorated with a Christmas themed style.

"It looks like you didn't even need my help, B/F/N!" You remarked. B/F/N shakes her head. "No, I definitely need your help! Come with me!" She then runs to her backyard. You followed her as you guys reach the backyard of her house.

"This, is what I really wanted to decorate for the party!" She says, opening the sliding door, revealing her beautiful backyard. You look around and observe the place. You look at the picnic table to see a box of Christmas decor.

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