№ 19: Panic

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You turned around to quickly see Jake just standing there, clenching his fists.

"How could you! You left me alone just to be with Albert?!" He shouts as you take a step back from him.

"What?! Of course not! And- how do you know Albert?!" You screamed in horror while Jake glares at you like daggers.

"There's a lot of things you haven't known about me yet, Y/N. And this is what you do to your best friend!" Jake then walks towards you.

"Why don't you just come back?!"

"Jake, I told you to calm down! Let's talk this out!" You shouted. Jake stops in his tracks, taking in a few deep breaths and finally shakes his head. "No, not after what you just did to me all these years!" Jake then starts to walk fast to you. You panic and run to the other direction to hide.

"Yep, I'm gonna die."

Jake screeches in the distance as you looked around for a place to hide. You then found the girl's bathroom as you close the door behind you. You then slide yourself down on the floor, trying to collect your breath. You shakily grabbed your phone as you quickly text Albert.

You: Alberthelpmeimgoingtodie.

A split second later you hear the notification ring on your phone.

Albert: What?! Where are you???

You place your hand in your chest in relief, when you suddenly hear a bang coming from outside the bathroom door.

"Y/N! Are you there?! I won't hurt you." You hear Jake shouting outside. you prayed that he'd just go away.

Albert: Y/N Y WON'T U ANSWER?! :(((

You: I'm in the girl's bathroom on the East side of the hallway.

After a few threats and banging from Jake, he finally stops. You felt that maybe he just gave up and left you alone.

After a few minutes later, you heard a knock on the door.


You thought it was Jake before opening the door. You sigh in relief.

You see Albert standing outside anxiously, fumbling with his hands.

"Finally, you're here." You said as you went outside the bathroom. You can tell that Albert's face was plastered with concern. You looked at him with a frown when suddenly he grabs your hand and pulls you close to his chest.

"You scared me, Y/N. I thought you were literally going to die."

You choked at his tight hug as you patted his back for him to let you go. He then realizes what you were doing as he immediately lets go of you. He apologizes over and over as you breathe in for air. You awkwardly chuckled and hugged him back.

"I don't know how I'd ever repay you back." You said as Albert walks you to class even though if you were already 10 minutes late. You thank him again as he waves you goodbye and leaves.

At least the teacher won't scold him for asking permission to go to the bathroom.

As Albert walks on the brightly dimmed hallway, he noticed one of the locker doors were a bit open. He looked at it curiously when he realized that it was his locker.

"Wait, didn't I keep this close before going to class?" He thought aloud as he went to it and opened his locker. A folded note then dropped from his locker as he picks it up and unfolds it little by little.

The words were all bold and written in black ink, as if the one who wrote it removed all the ink from the pen and wrote it with his bare hands.

Albert gulped as henreread the words over and over again.

But no matter how many times he read it, it was no doubt a death threat made for him.



Albert's hands started to shake as he ripped the paper to pieces. He then thew it at the nearest trash bin and continued to walk back to his class. The teacher didn't ask what took him so long as Albert just sat down on his seat.

"That probably means nothing, right? I mean, no one would go that far."

As each minute passes, Albert's thoughts started to scramble deeper into the depths of his mind when all of a sudden he heard a familiar voice calling out his name.

"Hey, Albert. Are you okay?"

Albert finally snaps out from his train of thoughts. He looks up to see Kaden, looking at him curiously.

"Oh, what? Yeah, I'm good. Time's really fast, huh?" He says as he gets up from his seat. The both of them then leaves the classroom together.

"Yeah, I had to like fetch you because the three of us have been waiting for a few minutes in the hallway. It's a good thing Y/N knows where your class was so she had to point out directions." Kaden says as the both of them stops at where you and B/F/N were at. When Albert finally came you quickly approached him right away.

"Albert, where were you? I thought you got in trouble." You said as Albert pats your head.

"I'm fine, Y/N. Don't worry about me. Something's just... Been on my mind lately." He says as Kaden and B/F/N starts to converse playfully with one another. You raise an eyebrow as you try to analyze his face.

He looks a bit worried.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" You said. Albert shakes his head and sadly smiles.

"Let's just have fun while it lasts, okay Y/N?" He says as he turned quiet all of a sudden. You thought about his sentence for a minute when B/F/N noticed how sad you guys were so she tries to lighten up the mood a little bit.

"Don't be sad guys! How about we go and have some dessert after school? It's my treat!" She says as your heart lightened up a bit by the sound of 'dessert' and 'treat.'

"Really, B/F/N?!" You screamed excitedly as Kaden places his hand at B/F/N shoulder.

"Make sure you keep that promise, until our dismissal, okay?" He says as B/F/N laughs at Kaden.

"Of course, except for you I'm not gonna treat you!"

"Why you..."

She giggles and runs away as Kaden runs after her in the halls. You smiled, it looks like you were sparkling. Albert looks at you as his cheeks turned warmer and flushed a bright pink.

"As long as I get to see her smiling like this every day..."

"Then I'd rather spend my life like this for the rest of my life..."

You shake your head as you shouted for them to wait up. You then grab Albert's hand as you guys run through the crowd of people just to get to them. Albert then gazes at your hand that's intertwined with his as he felt his heart dropped in his stomach.

"Even if it means that we couldn't be together in the end."


I'm sorry to all the pips that were waiting for this stupid chapter. ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ

But anyways, I'm thanking everyone who has been supporting this *sad* story! I couldn't have done it without you guys!

You guys are such wonderful people and I couldn't thank you guys enough!

All my gratitude and love is with each and every one of you!

-By the way, if you guys have any questions to ask then just ask me. But I won't answer questions that could spoil the whole story. And yes, I won't answer any personal questions either.

I love you all and don't forget to chill.

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