№ 27: Beloved

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I can't help but think about all the things that happened last week.

I've never been so lively my entire life. And knowing this has made me sleepless. I wanted to know why I've been feeling this way towards her.

Her blooming smile, her rosy-colored cheeks whenever she gets flustered, the smell of her perfume—

She reminds me of a flower. Simple but pompous, elegant, chaste.

Ever since that day, I've always had this urge of wanting to see her. Because every day was a special day with her, each moment was ethereal.

"I was planning to confess to her, Kaden..." I spoke, both of us were sipping our drinks on my backyard. Kaden slowly nods, listening to everything I had to say.

"Then what made you decide not to?" He asks. I sigh and placed my drink down on the round, wooden table. My backyard wasn't as big as B/F/N's, but it was spacious enough to hold a small party.

"I was caught up in the moment. First we've been dancing to this slow song, then all of a sudden she blurted out that the moon was beautiful tonight." I chuckled softly as I reminisce that very day. Kaden looked at me, almost choking on his drink. After seconds of raspy coughing, he wiped his mouth and slammed his hands on the table.

"Did Y/N really say that?" Kaden was exhilirated. I nodded my head slowly.

"Yeah? What about it?" I asked him, wondering what got him so worked up. Kaden shakes his head in disappointment.

"If you want to know, then you should ask her." Kaden wriggles his eyebrows and slumps back on his seat, grabbing the drink in his left hand, proceeding to sip it. I was confused as to what he had said, but I didn't think much of it. The atmosphere felt a little bit awkward for a good minute, until Kaden decided to speak up again.

"2 months till' graduation and you haven't even confessed your feelings to her yet. All of us will be separating ways, each of us having a different approach in life. Sure you and me will still be buds, YouTube being our job now 24/7, but what about Y/N? What are you going to do when she probably moves to the other side of the world? What if you'll never get to see her again?" Kaden stares at me, waiting for a reply. Kaden's right, what happens if we'll never get to see each other again because all of us will be busy in the future?

"How about you Kaden? Are you planning to confess your feelings to B/F/N?" I dodge his question, not knowing how I should respond to him back. This time it was my turn to ask, wanting to know from the true master of advice. Kaden grins and motions me to come closer. I move closer to him and Kaden pulls me to his side, whispering to my ear.

"I already did."


After me and Kaden talked about his prom night with B/F/N, I decided to follow him to town, where we'd separate ways.

"Why did you want to come with me, by the way?" Kaden asks as we both stopped on the crossroads, I shrugged.

"Um, I'm not sure. I've been wanting to come here for a while now since we don't usually get out of our houses a lot." I let out a laugh and Kaden grins in return. The traffic lights blinked to a green, signaling the 'go' sign. People started to move along the sidewalk. Kaden pats my back and runs to the sidewalk, waving his hand at me while looking back. I lift my hand and wave back to Kaden effortlessly.

I jogged to the bookstore. Grey clouds moved above me, looking down  gloomily, wanting to cry any second.

Thankfully, I've brought an umbrella coming here while wearing my signature bonnet on my head. I push the glass door open to the bookshop, seeing that the majority were mostly young adults, the same age as me probably.

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