№ 18: Jake

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After the New Year, you guys had to return to school.

Which is of course, a pain.

You and B/F/N walked next to each other, going to your next class. As you guys walked to your class, you guys see Albert and Kaden walking next to each other. Albert then notices you guys and smiles.

"Howdy Y/N!" Albert screams as Kaden rolls his eyes and pushes him to you. You then held him in your arms as he falls to you. B/F/N then coughs as Kaden snickers at you two.

"K-Kaden!" You said as Albert stands up, coughing loudly as he looks at Kaden, a serious expression spreads across his face.

"What? I had to do it." Kaden says as he
crosses his arms, looking away. You sigh as you point at the class in front of you.

"Guess I'll be going now. See you guys later." You said as everyone waved you goodbye.

This was the only time where you're all alone by yourself. It's to the point where you don't even know anyone at all.

You sat down on where you usually sit as you hear the bell rang. The whisper of students muffled as your class teacher enters the room. You looked around, prete ding that you didn't care as the teacher smiles and places her stuff down on the table.

"Good morning class! I have exciting news to say!"

Now that caught your attention.

Everyone starts asking in excitement what the news was as the teacher shushes everyone to quiet down.

"This might seem weird to all of you, but you guys get to have a new classmate!" Your eyes widened as the teacher calls the new student in front.

"Would you like to introduce yourself in front of the class?"

A tall, slim boy enters the classroom. He stops at his tracks as he stands in front of everyone. The whole class starts getting a bit rowdy as you feel a skip in your heart when the boy looked at your direction.

He's finally here.

"Sup, I'm Jake." Jake says as he gives a flashing smile at you. The girls screamed while some were giggling behind your back.

"Good grief." You muttered as the teacher claps her hands. "Alright, well, there's a vacant seat next to Y/N. How about you sit over there Jake?" Your teacher says as Jake nods and approaches you. He sits down next to you and smirks, trying his best to be attractive.

"So, we meet again." Jake says as you rest your hands on both of your cheeks.

"Yeah, lucky that we're in the same class, huh?" You said sarcastically. You hear the girls whisper 'lucky!' as Jake hears this and faces back to see the two girls in your class who were fan girling just awhile ago.

"And may I know who you two beautiful ladies are?" Jake says in a flirtatious tone. You tried not to roll your eyes again as the girls flirted back with him. Your teacher already teaching the lesson at hand.

"And Jake, since you're new, may you please keep your voice down, okay?" Your teacher says as she seriously gazes at you and Jake. The room became silent as they all nodded back at the teacher. Those words made you smile to yourself.

"Ha, serves them right."

"Hey Y/N. You wanna go somewhere after this?" You then moved your eyes to the right as you see Jake grinning back at you.

"Sorry, I'm not the type to skip classes on first subjects. And plus,  I'm going to hang out with my friends." You said as Jake stared at you at your response.

"Wait, you have friends?"

"Well, do you?" You sighed as you look at the board, already ready to pass out from the boring topics of your teacher.

"But the only friend you've ever had was your childhood best friend! Aka me!" Jake whisper shouts as you squint your eyes at him.

"And I stopped hanging out with you before because you had Ally, remember?" You said. Jake frowned and looked at his desk.

"But I didn't mean to leave you alone! You didn't know how stupid I was back then, okay?" Jake says, raising his voice a little. You flinched at you seat, you weren't expecting him to raise his voice in the middle of a discussion.

"Um, h-how about we hang out soon? Just n-not now." You say, trying to make your voice as calm as possible. Jake sighs and nods. He then places his hands on his head. "I-I'm sorry, Y/N. I just, I just couldn't control myself." He says, making you imagine all these random scenarios that could've happened if you said anything else.

"Y-Yeah, we good." You said. You guys then hear the school bell ring.

"Just in time."

"Well, see you later. I'll be going now." You said as you quickly grab your backpack and walked outside the classroom as fast as you can. Jake was about to follow you when all of a sudden he was block by a crowd that suddenly surrounded his desk.

Oh god what's my next class? More importantly, where are they?

You thought to yourself when you suddenly feel someone grabbed your shoulders.


"Ah!" You screeched as you pushed away the person that grabbed you. You heart raced when you realized that the person you just pushed away was Albert.

"H-Hey, it's just me!" Albert says as you sigh in relief. "Jesus, Albert, don't scare me like that!" You said as Albert walked beside you.

"Why? What happened? You look like you're being watched." Albert says. You looked around, making sure that Jake was nowhere in sight.

"Yeah, well, that's what I'm trying to avoid." Albert then slowly nods. You guys go to your separate classes.

"Uh, well, now I'm worried for you." Albert bites his lip. Your heart melted, you've never seen this side of him yet. You then smile reassuringly as you squeezed his arm.

"I'll meet you guys later on the canteen, alright? I'm okay, so don't worry about me." You then let go of his arm as Albert hugs you.

"Okay, I'll try to come back for you as fast as I can."

You laugh as you guys let go. You gave a small smile as the both of you stood on the intersection. Sadly you guys had to separate ways at that point and there wasn't that much people anymore in the hallway since they already went to their next class.

"Sure, thanks, Albert."

You guys then did a fist bump as Albert
starts running since he didn't want to be late. When he was out of sight, you walked to your right to go to your next class.


All of a sudden...

You heard a familiar voice coming from behind.



A T T E N T I O N.




And yes I was screaming because I'm shookt on what I just wrote.

I'll leave you guys thinking on what will happen next ;).

I'm trying my best to write, I swear.

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