№ 13: The Truth

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It's already Christmas Eve. A day to spend time with family.

Kaden has already left and he won't be back until December 28.

B/F/N seems to have plans too, but she'll still be staying at her house till' 29, that's when she'll be celebrating her New Year.

Albert will be visiting his family on 25 and he'll be back on December 29.

As for you...

"I guess I won't be back till' 30." You said as you and Albert walked around for the last time this year. He looks at you.

Eventually, you were the one who asked Albert to go out with you. He seemed to be really happy when you guys met. It's as if he thought that he would never see you again.

"Wow, you seem to be really busy during this time of year." He says as you guys walk to a small coffee shop in town. "Yeah, I know." You admitted. You guys sat on a table near the window.

The snow was still falling, piling up the streets and cars.

"Anyways, before this year ends, I'd want to treat you to some coffee as a sign of thanks." You said as the waitress approaches the two of you and asks for your orders. You ordered your favorite food while Albert ordered a cappuccino and a slice of cake. The waitress then leaves.

"I was actually suppose to invite B/F/N and Kaden along, but it seems that they're already busy doing something else." You said and look out the window.  Albert smiled, "It's a good thing I'm not busy, then!" He says, placing his two index fingers together. You laugh as the waitress hands over your orders. You said your thanks,  finally digging in the delicious goodness that you've been waiting for.

"Oh, right! I want to ask you something important. Like really important." You said as you sipped your coffee. Albert stared at you, like he wasn't ready for anything that you're about to say. "A-Alright, ask away, buster!" You smile as you place your hands in your chin, your elbows placed on the table. "I realized that there's a 100% chance you're probably Flamingo, don't you think?" Albert didn't say anything, he slowly grabs his drink and sips it shakily. "Um, Albert?" You ask. Albert sighs and puts down his drink.

"Hm, if you do think I'm the Flamengo itself, then give me hints that made you think I am." He says as you thought about all the times your remember him saying his phrases.

"Heh, as if the screaming wasn't obvious yesterday! I heard that somewhere before! Idiot!" You said and point your fork at him. He gulps, unconciously straightening his back.


Everyone looked at your table. Your eyes widened when you heard Albert's words echoed around the cafè. Realizing what he did, he embarrassingly stands up and leaves the room.

"Albert, wait for me!" You screamed as you stuffed in the remaining food in your mouth. You pay for the food, leaving the cafè. You look around and finally see Albert standing at the side of the cafè. You went up to him and place your hands on his shoulders. He looks at you. "I guess you're here to tell me that you're leaving." He says and bows down his head in shame. "After all, who would want to be with a dumb YouTuber like me! My content isn't even funny-"

"Stop saying those things, Albert!" You shout. You let go of him. "Didn't I tell you that I was a huge fan of yours?! Didn't I tell you that I love Flamingo?! You're amazing! You never fail to make me laugh 24/7! And that's what's so cool about you! I even have the Mr.FlimFlam figurine at my home! So please!" You say as you hug him.

"Don't be insecure about yourself. If something happened in the past that made you think this way, then it's not their fault that they don't enjoy your content! It's better if you accept them for what they are!" You said as Albert hugged you back. You guys hugged for a few seconds before you guys let go.

"Y-You really think s-so?" He asks and you nod in agreement. You guys then walk together under the pile of snow.

"You'll always be Albert, and that's that." After that you guys continued to talk about his channel. You didn't seem to mind since you were enjoying his beaming face on a cool day. You needed something to warm your heart, after all.

Before you guys separate ways, Albert screams to you in a distance. "Merry Christmas! We might not be able to see each other until
the end of the year, but I can wait!" He says as you chuckle. "Same here! I can't wait to spend New year with you guys!" You scream back, waving him goodbye. As you walked away, you looked back to him to realize that he was looking back as well. He mouthed the words 'thank you'. You smile and you mouthed back his response.

'You're welcome.'


Merry Christmas guys! As a early Christmas gift, I wrote 3 chapters for you all! UwU

Hope you guys have a good time wherever you are! Sadly, I won't be able to update until New Year since I'm super busy spending time with family!

Bye guys! Enjoy your Christmas break! 🎅🎄

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