№ 35: Fin

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This is the last chapter guys I'm so sorry but you know what they say, good things come to an end.😔 To everyone who've made it this far, thank you so much for all the support you have given to this story! I'm shookt that many of you like it since this is actually my first time making a fanfic.
You guys can't see it rn but I'm literally screaming by how glad I am to make this fanfic come to life! I seriously couldn't have done this without y'all. 🙌
If you guys have anything in mind on what I should write next, you guys could suggest (not sure if I could make it as long as this.) I'll see if I can make it happen. For now though I'm going to stick on writing the extra chapters that I've promised to write on this book.

((Now go and enjoy that last chapter. You deserve it!! ( ꈍᴗꈍ))


You rise up from the couch, realizing that you've fell asleep from binge watching a new movie. You look around and realize that it's been 3 days since your family came to witness your graduation day. You remember when you came back home from school, seeing that your relatives and childhood friends surprised you on your arrival. At first you smile at the memory, then the feeling of sadness was able to etched into your heart.

It felt like yesterday that you were still learning at school, hanging out with your best friends. And now that you've already graduated, you weren't so sure on what to do next. For now, you've decided to push the thoughts of future plans aside and continue to  enjoy the rest of the day as it is.

It was 5:30 in the morning, and everything felt like a slow, peaceful day. Another memory comes into mind. You reminisce the time when your relatives and friends were being rowdy during your party. You hoped that your neighbors might've been able to handle the noise for just for today, since the neighborhood you currently live in is usually quiet.

You stand up and head straight to take a shower. After you're done, you sat down again on the couch, eating your light breakfast, finishing where you left off on your movie last night. Ever since your graduation party, all you do was to laze around and relax, sometimes you'd also go out to walk around the neighborhood and greet the people that would wave you a hi. While you were almost near the end of your movie, you suddenly feel your phone buzz beside you, realizing that you haven't paid attention to it. You unlock it and stare at it to see a few new messages coming from B/F/N, Albert, and Kaden, who were already having a conversation on your group chat. You close the TV and unlocked your phone, reading the messages that they recently have sent.

B/F/N: Hey, guys! Good morning. :)
Kaden: woah what made you wake up so early :0
B/F/N: WELL I could ask you the same thing
Kaden: I jog
B/F/N: Oh right

Albert is online.

Albert: Hey guysss
B/F/N: Ayeee
Albert: 8)
Kaden: 8))
B/F/N: So anywaysss 
B/F/N: lemme remember I actually forgot lol

Kaden: Okayy then we'll wait
Kaden: btw Albert when are we going to record the new vid today?
Albert: I haven't thought about it yet tbh
Albert: I just woke up :/
Kaden: Oh okay
Kaden: Btw I saw your face reveal video last night. I can't believe that it almost reached 3M views in one day! Your fans must love you a lot ;)
Albert: Teehee. Thanks, I guess. 👉👈
B/F/N: Wait, Albert has a yt channel?
Kaden: ...
Kaden: I thought I've told you this already.
B/F/N: No you didn't. I only knew about yours! >:(

Kaden: OHhHh teehee, sorry 👉👈
Albert: 👀
Kaden: Go sub to Albert then. His channel name is Flamingo.
B/F/N: Okay... But why Flamingo tho?
Albert: Tbh, I don't know either. :D

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