№ 9: Feelings

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You woke up groggily, checking the time on your phone. It was only 5:30AM in the morning. You tried to go back to sleep, still feeling tired from yesterday's events.

But no matter what you did, you  couldn't seem to fall back to sleep. Which made you decide to head out and walk around the neighborhood since nobody would be up this early anyways.

It was a Saturday morning. You could already feel the cold December air hitting your skin. You shivered as you blew out warm air on both of your hands.

Even though if you wore a jacket, it  couldn't seem to block you from the cold.

You breathe out, your breath evaporating in the air. "Maybe this was a bad idea." You thought aloud to yourself, warming your hands once more when all of a sudden you heard a loud voice shouting coming from a near distance.

"I didn't know you'd be up this early!"

You jumped and turned around. You sigh in relief when you saw a familiar someone jogging towards you.

"Kaden! You scared me!" You said as he stops beside you. He places his hands on his knees, panting.

"Oh sorry. I thought you're used to hearing my voice by now." He says and placed his hands in his pockets. You guys walk together, the yellow-orange outline of the sun could be seen appearing through the blue sky.

"So, what made you go out on this time of the day?" He asks, you shrug. "I don't know, I just randomly woke up even though if we stayed up late last night." He smiles, looking up at the sky. "You mean when the four of us had dinner?"

"Not only that." You chuckled. "What do you mean?" He questionably asks, tilting his head. You grinned and waved your hands around, dismissing the thought you had in mind. "It's nothing." You said, Kaden started jogging in your pace. "I don't know with you, but if Albert finds out about this, he's going to kill me." You blush a bit, trying to hide your face from Kaden. "He probably doesn't like me anyways." You said right away. He stops and turns to face you, you also stopped in your tracks.

"Doesn't like you? He's definitely into you." Kaden admits, looking at you intently. You sigh, looking away. "It's not that, It's just..." You paused, looking at the ground.

"We've just met, you know. As if he'd fall in love with me at first sight. And who knows, maybe he already has someone but he's just keeping it to himself." You said, feeling your chest starting to tightened.

Kaden kneels down towards you. You stared at him as he looks up at you and smiles. "Don't say that, Y/N. To be honest, I've been friends with him ever since. And he probably didn't tell you this but he did used to have feelings for someone before. But ever since you came, I can tell that he's been keeping a close eye on you. He's fond of you, Y/N, he really is." Kaden then stands up and rubs your hair.

"You're my friend and I wouldn't want you to get upset because of him. If he sees you like this, he wouldn't know what to do in this situation." He laughs and you let out a small laugh as well. "You're such a good guy, Kaden. Thanks." You said, your face lightened up. Kaden pats your back, "I should be the one to thank you. After all, you and Albert really saved me and B/F/N... By any chance, did you guys actually-?" You pretend to cough as he raises a brow. "I-It was a coincidence that he brought you with him yesterday!" You said. Kaden sighs and shakes his head. "Well, whatevs. I'm still grateful for what you guys did. Without you guys I wouldn't even know if I'm ready to lose her. Anyways, I have to go and continue with my day. See you later, Y/N!" He says before he heads off. You waved back at him as you turn to gaze at the sky, the sun started to rise.

You just stood there, admiring the scenery all by yourself.

I should try to take my mind off things once in a while. It's for the best.

You thought and heave a soft sigh. You then walk back to your house.


Albert's POV

I got up, feeling fresh as ever.

For once I'm able to get a lot of sleep last night.

I stretched as I reached for my favorite cereal from the cabinet. I then opened my cereal and shaked the contents out of its home. After that I poured down some milk and there you have it, my usual breakfast.

I sat down in front of my computer, editing the video I was able to record before me and Y/N went out yesterday.


I wonder if she enjoyed our outing last night?

All of a sudden I hear my phone vibrate. I opened my phone to see Kaden, who recently just sent me a message just now.

Kaden- Dude have you uploaded the video yet?

Me- Not yet, just have to edit everything.

Kaden- Oh, okay.

Me- Why you ask, btw?

Kaden- Just wondering if you'd want to hang out with me today?

Me- Sure, right after I make one more vid for the fans.

Kaden- Hahaha, sure. I'll  meet you at lunch.

Me- K cool.

Of course, I'd do Roblox first before anything.

I'm such an idiot.

But anyways...

"I hope she doesn't have to wait too long for my upload." I said, smiling as I remembered the time when she complimented my channel.

Well, not that she knows that it's actually me.

After I finished my food, I quickly uploaded the video on YouTube.

One more vid to go and I'll see Kaden right after.

The problem is that I didn't really have any ideas for my next video.

I thought for a second, imagining Y/N's laughing face. I grinned, already having an idea as to what it might be.

"She'll definitely enjoy this!" I said, logging in to my main account.

I scrolled through the popular games, already seeing some games that's about me. I could even see some ads that already has some of the memes that I created. But as I looked more further down, something interesting has caught my eye.

This should do.

I then press record.

"So, I came across this really, REALLY cool game called 'Su Tart's and Felipe's
SAD adventure.' And I could already tell that this will be the best game in forever!"

As I was saying this, I can't help but think about what Y/N said when we were at school.

Oh how happy I was when I heard those very words.

"Anyways, before we get to the— AHHH." I screamed when I heard a loud jump scare coming from a random Felipe.

"Whoever made this game sucks." I said as I respawn again from the title screen of the game.

I hope I finish this in time.


Basically the video he's making is like one of the games that he played on Roblox called 'Felipe's revenge.' Except that it's a combination of a sad, Su Tart story. (His scary and sad story vids are my faves.)

Anywaysss, I am terribly sorry for not updating a lot. Christmas is almost nearer and I've been doing a lot of things lately. But hey, it's finally my Christmas break and I get to do what I want now ;) (till January, at least.)

Also there's a continuation of this but you guys might have to wait. (I won't take that long, I think.)

Okay bye guys! Thanks for the support! I love you all! <3

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