№ 22: Invitation

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After everything that happened the previous day, the news spread like wildfire.
It was the talk of your class too, actually. Some thought that Jake tried to poison a teacher which might probably be the result of his suspension. There were even others that said that he might be in a gang selling drugs.

But in the end all of it has been dismissed as rumours.

Because today, everyone's been bustling about the most awaited event in the whole school.


The problem is that your recently just new at school and you didn't know what prom was since you used to be in a school where they didn't have any prom.

"What do you mean you don't know what prom is?!" B/F/N screamed at you, making you feel a bit smaller as you die of embarrassment in your seat. The both of you were in the canteen, waiting for the guys to appear.

But it seems that they were running a bit late.

You were wondering why this 'prom' thing seemed really important to B/F/N. You take a bite on your F/F, slowly gulping it down.

"I mean, what's so good about prom anyways? Is it even that interesting?" You ask, waiting for B/F/N to start babbling about why this so-called  prom was the best thing in the world. B/F/N then started to happily talk about her experiences last year and all you can do is nod and understand her.

But at the same time, you were wondering why the guys hadn't showed up yet.

—Le guy's POV—

"Kaden! I need your help!" Albert let out a tiny shout to Kaden. Kaden hummed in response.

"What do you need, son?" Kaden smirked as Albert furrowed his eyebrows at him.

"Will you stop calling me that?" Albert pouts, making Kaden laugh. "But anyways, I need your advice, again." Kaden nods, more curious about what Albert was going to say.

"Go on."

"Well, you know that everyone's been talking about prom, right? Like all they ever talk about in class is prom." Albert  said as they walked to Kaden's locker. Kaden smiles and opens his locker, placing back his books. "And?" Kaden asks, closing his
locker after he was done.

"I'm planning to ask her..."

"Ask who now?" Kaden clears his throat. Albert closes his eyes and breathes out.

"I'm going to ask Y/N, but..."

"But?" Kaden continues his sentence. As they started to walk, Albert places his index fingers together, looking down at the ground.

"I'm scared that she might reject me." Kaden snorted, hearing that from Albert was already humourous enough.

"Albert, what makes you think that Y/N is going to reject you? You guys have been together long enough for you two to know that she'll definitely accept your invitation!" Kaden chuckles as he elbows Albert's shoulder. Albert rolls his eyes.

"Ugh, don't you remember when Kirsten didn't want go to prom with me when I asked her last year?" Albert says and clutches to the straps of his bag. He continues, "Who knows? Maybe Y/N already has plans for someone else." But as Albert looks up at Kaden, he notices that Kaden's expression has changed. He sneers at something, causing Albert to look at what Kaden's been looking at.

"Speaking of the devil..."

Albert's eyes widen in fear, realizing who Kaden was looking at. They both watched as a girl with silver hair was walking together with her friends, approaching the two boys.

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