№ 10: Gifts

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After Albert was done uploading his video, he does some stuff to prepare. After that, he leaves the house.

Albert-Kaden, where are we supposed to meet exactly?

Kaden- Oh, I forgot to tell you. I'm at the mall.

Albert- You're there already?!

Kaden- Hahahah, don't keep me waiting :^)

Albert sighs and puts back his phone in his pocket. He then calls a taxi and tells the driver to take him to the mall.


It didn't take long before Albert sees Kaden waiting in front of the entrance, holding a drink in his hand. Albert thanks the driver amd gives his change in return. The taxi then drives off.

"Sorry for being late." Albert says as Kaden nods. "It's okay, you're early anyways." Kaden smiles, his jogging outfit changed into his regular clothes. "So, let's go?" Kaden asks. "Right after you." Albert says and follows Kaden into the mall.

"Okay, so, the reason why I asked you to come with me is because..." Kaden grins as they go up the escalator. Albert shivered a bit, he probably has a plan for him.

"Uhh, no? Why?" Albert asks, he can feel his face turned cold.

"Oh come on Albert. Don't play dumb with me!" Kaden joked as they get off the escalator. "It's that time of the year again! We do this tradition every year!" Kaden teases as Albert realizes what he means.

It's almost Christmas.

"Oh..." Albert said, feeling dumbfounded. Kaden sighs and drags him into the department store."You really are stupid." Kaden laughs as they walk around, searching for gifts.

"Hm, Albert, look at this!" Kaden screams while Albert search around  the clothes department. He turns around to see Kaden in the toy area, holding two lightsabers in his hands. "Ooh, Kaden! Can I try?!" Albert squeals and approaches Kaden. Kaden hands him a blue lightsaber.
"Albert, I am your father." Kaden laughs as they pretend to fight. The kids that passed by looks at them, not knowing why two grown men were playing around with lightsabers.

"We should buy these. They could come in handy." Kaden says, swaying it around. Albert agrees and places it in their shopping cart.

"It's a good thing that I've bought my money with me. You should've said that we were going to shop for gifts!" Albert retorts as Kaden chuckles. "I  thought you'd already remember. Do I really have to remind you every year?" Kaden teases as they continue to roam around the department store for gifts.

Albert stops in his tracks,  grabbong the sweater that was hanging on the stand.
"This looks nice." Albert says and shows a cute, knitted sweater. Kaden looks at it in awe. "We could give that to everyone as a gift instead." Albert places it in the cart. "Not everyone, my mom said that she wanted a plant for Christmas."

"Really? Well, she is your mom, after all." Kaden smirks. Albert pushes the cart, casually searching around for other gifts to give.

"Hey, what if we give B/F/N and Y/N a gift too?" Albert chocked when he heard Kaden suggestion. He coughs  as Kaden runs up to him, patting his back.

"S-Say what now?" Albert asks, looking down at the gifts. Kaden pushes him on the shoulder. "Aw, why wouldn't you give your dear Y/N a gift on Christmas?" Albert tightly grips the handle of the shopping cart. "Y-you know what, why don't you try to give her a gift?" Kaden mischievously smirks as they start moving again.

"Of course I'd definitely give Y/N a gift! I'd wrap you up in a cute bow and I'd give you to her on Christmas!"

Kaden's words caused Albert's ear to turn red.

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