№ 17: Recall

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Albert woke up, feeling like he didn't have enough sleep from last night.

He looked around his surroundings and notice that he was still in B/F/N's living room. The sunlight pass through her windows, lazily moving around the room.

And not only that.

The room was a mess.

Albert was about to get up when he felt something weigh on his shoulder. He looks on his left to see you leaning on him, sleeping peacefully.

'She looks so cute when she sleeps.'

He tries not to wake you up by gently placing you down on the couch. He caresses a pillow below your head as he quietly lays you down comfortably. He sighs in relief, rubbing his eyes in exhaustion. He slowly walks to the sliding glass door, peeking outside.

Albert sees Kaden looking up at the sky. Kaden turns his head around by the sound of Albert closing the sliding door behind him.

"Sup dude. You're up early." Kaden says, looking at Albert's disheveled appearance. Albert looks at Kaden sarcastically and shakes his head. "I could ask you the same thing." He g, looking around at the backyard.

There were a bunch of confetti laying on the ground. Used sparklers were laid across the table.

"I guess we went too 'wild' last night." Kaden says, picking up the sparklers on the ground. Albert breathes in the fresh air. After that he joins in to help Kaden clean up.

"Where's B/F/N?" He asks as Kaden continued to pick up the sparklers on the ground. "She's sleeping in her bedroom peacefully. I had to take her up to her room since she partied too hard last night."

"Oh, but what did we-" Albert suddenly stops at his tracks, rationalizing what might've happened to them last night.

"Wait, were we drunk?!"

Kaden laughs as he place the sparklers on the table. He sits down on the bench, smiling.

"Nope, that's impossible. We drank soda and that's all there is to it." He says. Albert tried to recall what happened last night.

"I guess I do remember drinking soda... Then I got a bit tipsy. But how did soda even get us drunk?" Albert states. Kaden wondered and decides to investigate the contents of the bottle that was left standing alone on the picnic table. Kaden rereads the label, not believing his eyes.

"Albert, who was assigned to buy the drinks?"

Albert tries to remember for a good sec before looking at Kaden. He tilts his head with uncertainty.

"It was B/F/N, I guess?" Albert says. Kaden hurriedly stands up with the bottle.

"Well, here comes punishment!" Kaden says and runs back inside B/F/N's house. He accidentally bumps you unexpectedly by the time you just woke up.

"Sorry, Y/N. I need to do something." Kaden says and runs upstairs. You raise an eyebrow as you approach Albert, who also didn't know what was going on.

"Um, don't mind him. He thinks that B/F/N was probably the reason as to why we were going 'crazy' last night." Albert says and sits down, resting his arms on the table. You look at him tiredly and sat down next to him on the bench. The both of you not talking to each other.

After a few minutes, B/F/N was being held captive by Kaden, who forcefully dragged her to the outside of her own backyard.

"O-Okay, guys, you might not believe this but..." You and Albert perked up as Kaden grinned at B/F/N. She pouts at him and pushes him away, holding the bottle on her hand.

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