№ 25: Beneath The Mask

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A l b e r t o POV:

Albert stood frozen in place, his body started to perspire, the slender hand was hardly letting go of his.

"Earth to Albert?"

Albert wanted to punch himself, he'd forgotten that he was still wearing his
suffocating mask. How was she able to recognize someone with a face mask on? Probably through magic.

Maybe it's his stupid hair that was making it obvious. But that doesn't mean that he's the only silver-haired guy here at school, right? Probably not.

After everything that has happened today, Albert has been thinking of going to the salon to dye another shade of color on his hair.

Albert turned around, staring in silence at the person standing in front of him.

It was a random girl.

"Who are you?!" Albert shrieked, B/F/N gives this huge grin and pulls Albert into the crowd.

"Albert! Thank god, I knew you were definitely behind that mask!" B/F/N says and twirls herself around Albert. Albert sighs, relief washed over him. He looks around from left to right.

"Where's Y/N?" Albert asks and looks at B/F/N, both of them standing in place now. B/F/N also wanted to know herself too, but suddenly remembers telling you to meet up at the table once they've found one of the guys, "Come with me first." B/F/N lits up and grabs Albert's arm, the both of them walks back to the table where the both of you sat.

Albert was happy, happy that he'll finally be able to meet up with you soon. But at the same time he kept his hopes down, knowing that even the brightest star can also dim its light.

He shouldn't hope, not yet.

As they passed by narrowly through the crowd, Albert turned to his left and notices Kirsten looking around, tapping people on their backs and asking if they'd seen Albert anywhere. Albert wished that B/F/N ran faster, but the both of them knew that it would be hard to just rush through all these people.

"Okay, Albert. Me and Y/N promised that we'd meet up here once we've find whoever we saw first. Actually it was supposed to be *ehem* our own partners but it seems that I've found you first. For now, we'll just have to wait." B/F/N says and sits down on her chair, Albert was saddened that you weren't there but he nods and sits down on the opposite side of the table.


"Yes, Albert?"

If B/F/N hadn't gotten him sooner, who knows what the outcome could've been?

"Thank you."

Y o u r POV:

As you tried your best to dance Kaden around to the table, you felt someone tapped your back. You muttered to yourself, annoyed that someone has to disrupt you both in the middle of a waltz. You let go of Kaden's hand, making sure he wouldn't disappear in your field of sight. You looked to see who it was.

You immediately realized who the man in the black suit was; Jake.

You died a little inside at the sight of him, hoping that he hasn't noticed you clearly under the flashing multicolored lights yet.

Because, being friends with someone for a fraction of your childhood goes to show that it has its upsides as well.
For example, being able to recognize their face at first glance. And if you're able to recognize Jake right away, Jake would realize the same thing.

"Hello, have you both seen this girl? I know that she's here at prom right now but I can't seem to find her." Jake says and holds up something for you and Kaden to see. It was a picture of you and Jake, smiling, arms wrapped around each other's shoulders.

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