№ 4: Plan

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After school, you and Albert decided to walk home together after what happened on lunch. You guys walked in silence, hoping that the other would talk first.

"So, about Kaden..." Albert trailed off. You looked away from him, you couldn't believe that you were alone with Albert for the first time. "Kaden actually had a crush on B/F/N ever since they were little. Which is why he made a random outburst on B/F/N when she was worried about me. I have a feeling that he was jealous." Albert sighs and you glanced at him, he looks away from you. "Oh, then that means..." You said, quietly muttering to yourself. "What?"Albert asked. "B/F/N also has a crush on Kaden too. Which means they both like each other." You suddenly feel the atmosphere around you getting warmer. You suddenly hear Albert do a happy squeal, causing your heart to swell as well. "But how will we be able to get them to confess? More importantly, how do we make them become friends again?" You asked. Albert thought for as sec until he puts his hands on both of your shoulders, grinning at you. "I know! We can set them up to a blind date! And you know what that means..." Suddenly, your brain also exploded by the idea.

"Then they could be friends again!" You said as Albert held both of your hands. "And that's when they can finally be official!" The both of you screamed until you realized that his warm hands was held onto yours. You blushed as you let go, Albert alsi realized what he has done and covers his mouth with his fist, coughing awkwardly. The both of you stood there for a while until you hear footsteps coming towards the both of you. You looked back and see Kaden running to you guys, his arm suddenly wrapped around Albert's neck. "What are you two love birds doing here? And Albert, you said that you were going to walk alone. You just wanted to walk home with her, huh?" Albert pushed Kaden off as he sticks his tongue out. "It was a coincidence that I met her here, Kaden!" You nodded, making sure that Kaden doesn't know about the plan from the beginning.

"Well, is it okay if I walked home with you guys? If it's okay with you." Kaden asked, the both of you nods. "Yea, why wouldn't we join you?" You say. Kaden glances at Albert. "I wouldn't want to ruin your 'date'." He smirks, making the atmosphere a little bit awkward. "What are you talking about??! I-I'm not even-" You said, blushing madly. Albert rubbed his face in embarrassment, Kaden smirks and walks ahead of you guys. "Haha, I knew it! I'll be taking my leave, see ya." And before you guys could say anything, Kaden went off.
"He has weird ships." Albert chuckles to himself. You knew that you have to change the awkward atmosphere that you were in, so you cleared your throat. "Anyways, I think I should go home now and do stuff."
You mentally face palmed to yourself. Shoot, you thought, out of all the things you could say—

Albert looked at you with a frown. "Oh, I see..." He said before he finally gave you a warm smile. "So... I'll see you tomorrow then?" Your heart instantly shattered you to pieces. Why is he so dang cute?

"I-I was just joking!" You retorted. He laughed and poked your head. Phew, well that was close.

"That's good. I thought you'd leave early. It's just that..." Albert looked somewhere else, his hand placed on the back of his neck. "I wanted to show you something." He glanced back at your tomato face. "Oh, sure. Fine with me." You tried to act nonchalant before he eventually motioned you to follow him. "Follow me." Albert says.


After a few short conversations here and there, you guys finally reached your destination.
"Um, I never really showed this secret place to anyone, not even Kaden. I go here whenever I wanted to relax. I think this place is amazing, though." He says and looks up at the sky. You look up too.

(It's something like this, from what I imagine.)

You guys ended up in an open field

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You guys ended up in an open field. The grass seemed to move nicely in the breeze, air feels really fresh too. You gazed at the clouds in wonder, admiring every little detail of the place.

You were in awe. It was such a beautiful sight.

But what you did not know is that the guy in front of you was more beautiful than the sight that you see.

"Um, Y/N? Are you okay?" Albert woke you up from wonderland. You sigh in amazement.

"This place is amazing! How did you find it?" You asked him as he lies down on the ground, stretching his arms. He looks up at the sky. "Eventually, I was playing hide and seek with somebody when I was young. I went deep into the forest and found this spot. I thought this was the perfect place to hide in, well, except that I had to leave after 30 minutes had pass." He said. You decided to lie sit down next to him and listened. "And well, I never told them about this place because I could have this spot all by myself. It's like no one could ever find me here." He then grabs your hand and pulls you to the ground, making the both of you lie down next to each other. Your heart started beating fast. You couldn't process what just happened. "But I guess I wouldn't mind showing it to you, Y/N." He muttered so that you couldn't hear what he just said. "What did you say?" You whispered to him. He shakes his head and looks up at the sky once more.

"tu es vraiment spécial pour moi." But before you could ask him what it meant, he somehow managed to quickly change topics.


Lol, I suddenly had the initiative to write.

If you wanna know what that word means, just search it to see the surprise UwU

Btw I don't know if Albert can French (I'm sorry!) so just pretend that he can.... //UwU

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