№ 32: Fortuity

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After a few more weeks of stress and hard work, the day has come for you to show what you studied for this challenging day.

Except that you were mentally unprepared for the questions that might be asked on a sheet of paper.

You stayed up day and night, making sure that you reviewed everything you took down during classes or even reading your textbooks again and again. You were sure about it, but you didn't know what to expect. Plus, you also helped B/F/N study, reminding you every little detail.

You came in your classroom just in time, seeing that everybody has already settled down in their seats. You quickly take your seat by the time you heard the teachers voice across the classroom, handing out the papers to everyone. After she was done, she sat down on her desk and cross her arms without a hint of sincerity in her voice.

"You may begin."

You grab your pencil and started reading the first question. Multiple choice was always the easiest one for you since you're able to score high on those kinds of tests.


You were relieved once you heard the school bell ring. You let out a small sigh, thinking to yourself that you were finally free. After the teacher said her farewell and left you guys behind, everyone cheered as they barged out of the classroom door all at once. You couldn't wait to celebrate as well, since you weren't the only one who badly wanted to escape this hell hole you've been going to for the past few years.

You decided to go and clean out your locker since it's already your last day, knowing that you wouldn't be studying there next year.

While grabbing your stuff, you could already hear that everyone's already buzzing excitedly with summer vacation. They were chattering about their travels and future plans, especially the kids below your grade who were already screaming and breaking school rules on their last days.

Though you didn't really like school, you'll surely miss the nostalgia of it.  The hallways you'd always walk into or the peculiar smell that will always linger in the air.

All this time you realized that you were only having fun.

You looked at your locker, smiling to yourself once you saw the decorations that were placed around your locker door. Mostly the reason why you placed it there in the first place wasn't actually to make it look pretty, it was to give you inspiration.

You open your locker door and looked at the upper part of your locker to reveal pictures of you and B/F/N. They were the only pictures you used to have on your locker. But as time went on, the pictures multiplied, showing all the memories you made with Kaden and Albert. But out of all the pictures you placed, your favorite of them all was  a picture of you and Albert making faces at each other. You would giggle to yourself whenever you saw it, but knowing the situation that you were both in right now...

You turn to look at the lower part of your locker. There was a stand that you used to grab your pens and pencils all the time and a bunch of  stickers that you placed around as well. Some of them were handmade by you while for the rest of them was a meme bundle of Flamingo stickers you were able to buy online. It was worth your savings, you thought.

Although the day has finally come. You had no choice but to painfully tear it off from your locker.


After you were done removing the contents from your locker, you closed it behind you to reveal one sticker you hadn't remove yet. Because of it you didn't even know that you were already smiling.

It was the small Flamingo sticker that you placed on the corner of your locker's door.
Suddenly, you were getting small flashbacks inside your head during that time when Albert hugged you, not knowing that you were getting hugged by the famous YouTuber himself.

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