№ 34: Intersect

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All the hardships that you've went through,
The sleepless nights and stressful struggles,
Has finally led up to this day,
The four of you have made it together thick and thin,
Finally paying off in the end.


"Y/N sweety! Did you forget about today?"

You grumbled from hearing your mom's voice from upstairs. At first you wondered why she was even inside your room in the first place when all at once you remembered that your family visited you last week  to stay with you till' your special day.

You rolled to the side by the time your  phone started vibrating beside you. You search around to find it and sit up straight, answering the call. You place the phone to your ear, waiting for an answer.

"Sup?" You answered groggily, thinking that it would be B/F/N on the phone. You were surprise to hear a deep voice laughing on the other end.

"I was going to scream in your ear but  I wouldn't want to make you deaf." Albert says. You could hear people talking in the background of Albert's end of the call. You rub your eyes and smiled at his joke.

It's been two weeks ever since you and Albert got together. You'd hang out again with Albert more than usual, enjoying every last minute together before the day has come for  you to finally graduate.
"Aw, that's so sweet of you. I can guess that you're family is also there at your house right now?" You said and got off your bed, standing up as you go to the shower. You silently panicked when you realize that it was 8:10 in the morning. The ceremony starts at 8:40.

"Oh, yeah. I'm ready to go, actually. Kaden said that he just woke up, I can tell that you stayed up all night?" Albert chuckles. You place your phone down and start brushing your teeth, humming in response. You spit it out and wash your face.

"Yeah, I couldn't really get that much sleep last night. I was excited to finally get out of school and move up to the next best thing." You said sarcastically and wipe your face. "Sorry Albert, I need to shower first. I'll talk to you later?" You said and wait for Albert's response.

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you at school, okay?" He says and you grin.

"Yup, see you there."

You end the call and head inside the shower to get ready for school.

A l b e r t o POV:

Once you hung up, Albert sighs in a good mood, already wearing his best outfit during special occasions. He wants to make sure that he looks his best for his graduation.

"Albert, who were you talking to on the phone just now?" He froze when he heard his sister, who was actually listening through the conversation this whole time. She smirked at him while Albert blushes madly, shaking his head.

"I-It's none of your business!" His sister looks at him skeptically and chuckles. She tries grabbing his phone from his hands as Albert frantically keeps it far from his sister's reach. When all of a sudden he felt somebody else take his phone away   from his grasp. Albert's eyes widen in fear, he turns around and he sees his other sister going through his phone.

"Aww, too bad his phone has a password. This sucks." His  sister says and tries to guess his password. Albert darts in and swoops his phone from his sister's hand. He sighs and places his phone back in his pants pocket.

"Like I said, it's nothing." He says and calms down, the reason why he didn't tell his family yet was because he wanted to introduce them to you today. His two sisters looked at each other and grinned.

"Then why don't you just tell us who was talking to you on the phone already? Was it Kaden?" His sister says, waiting for his answer. Albert retorts.

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