№ 26: Slowly

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You stood up as the both of you heard the next song coming from the ballroom floor. You were familiar with it since B/F/N wouldn't stop pestering to you about it, telling you stories about how Kaden would listen to it a lot when they were kids. You wondered if she requested the song or if it was out of pure luck.
But either way you couldn't help but feel proud for them, especially for your best friend.

But now's not the time for you to just stand there and be proud for them, because today was the day you were going to dance with Albert under the moonlight. (Lucky you :'))

"Let's go somewhere else." Albert says and holds your hand, leading you to another part of the hotel.

The place you guys went to had a garden, the flowers there looked elegant, blooming vividly in the night while the moon glowed its silver shine on them. But the one that struck you the most was the yellow acacia tree that was standing tall all by itself, making it the main attraction of the garden.

The grass was of verdant green and  benches were placed around the garden. Fairy lights were hung around, all connecting to one lamp post that was standing alone by itself. On the middle of it all was a fountain, you could see the lights on the water as it rises and returns back to where it came from. You decided to go to the fountain and wash your face there.

"How on Earth were you able to find out about this place?" You asked. Albert hands you a napkin this time and you thank him. You then proceed to wipe the remains of make-up on your face. He grins and places a finger to his lip.

"I have my secrets." He says.  You were about to ask him again when all of a sudden he intertwines his hand with yours and places his other hand on your back. You rest your arm on top of Albert's, his shoulder supporting your hand. You couldn't help but be flustered by the way he was staring intensely in your E/C eyes.

After B/F/N's song was over, the next song that played was a romantic song that you and Albert could slow dance to. You thought that now's your cue to start dancing.

(Y'all can choose whatever song you guys want in this chapter. But here are the songs I thoughtwasreallycutetoslowdanceto.)

Song #1:

Song #2:

Song #3:

Other songs I've considered:

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