№ 20: Ignore

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A few weeks has passed and you realized that Albert hasn't been himself lately. Whenever you'd approach him first, it's either that he'd make an excuse about something and go away or he'll say that he'll see you later and never see you at all for the rest of the day.

Even Kaden and B/F/N had their suspicions, but Albert seemed to act normally around them as usual. You were happy that he didn't literally cut ties with the rest of you.

But why is he only avoiding you?

Of course, that wasn't the only mode of communication between you two. You tried calling him a bunch of times but it would always end up in voice mail. You'd try texting him, but he never responds to any of your messages.

"What am I going to do now?" You thought as you slumped on a bench in the park. It's only been one week and you've had enough. You didn't want to randomly end your friendship with him after all the things you guys have been through.

"Was there a reason for him to stop talking? Maybe I did something wrong to him? Does he want time to himself?"

You were about to have a mental breakdown when you randomly hear a deep, male voice that could be described as 'annoying.'

"Why would a pretty face like you be here all by yourself?" You groaned and looked up to see Jake who sat down not too close from you on the bench.

"Get away from me Jake. I didn't ask you to kidnap me here." You said as Jake laughs and places his arm on the back of the bench.

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened on Monday. It... It's been a long time since we've seen each other and I just wanted to have you back. Please forgive me." He says as you cringe at his words. You weren't expecting him at all.

"Jake, please, just leave me alone. I just... Need time to myself." You said as you move away from him. Jake notices this and raises an eyebrow, trying not to show his annoyance to you.

"It's fine, I won't talk. But are you okay? Did something happen?" Jake asks. You let out a sad sigh. You turn your head at him and nodded your head.

"It's just- Albert. He isn't talking to me anymore. Everytime I try to initiate a conversation with him, he always seem to ignore me. I didn't even do anything to him." You notice Jake's grin when you said that.

"Oh? Is that so..."

"Yeah, and why are you smiling like that?" You asked as Jake let out a cough.

"I-I wasn't smiling Y/N! You're imagining things!" He says. He crosses his legs together. "Look, Albert gave up and probably used you. Who knows, maybe he stopped hanging out with you because he thinks that you're no fun anymore. You should just give up on him too." Jake says and pats you back, giving you shivers down your spine. You swat his hand away, your feelings being more hurt than usual.

"I didn't ask you for advice, Jake. I don't need your thoughts about this whole thing." You then stand up and leave him. He shouts at you from a distance as you pretend to not hear him.

It's time you face him head-on, once and for all.


Albert was recording a video as usual, trying not to sound tired this whole time. When he finishes the video, he looks at his phone and reads all the messages that you've sent to him.

"Y/N..." He said, a frown plastered on his face.

Albert are you okAy?

Do you want me to leave you alone?

I'm sorry for whatever I've done pls forgive me already :((

Why are you doing this to meee???

Albert sighs. He types on his phone, pretending to send a message back.

But he really wanted to. He didn't want to hurt you anymore.



Albert shakes the thought out of his head. He then smiles to himself.

"It's fine, it's not like I had a choice, anyways..."

Suddenly, he hears a knock coming from his front door.

"I'm coming!" Albert mutters as he runs downstairs.

He then opens the door to see no one in sight. He scratches his head in confusion, annoyed that a kid fooled him once again.

"I swear to god..." He says. He was about to close the door when all of a sudden he looked down on his front step.

His eyes widen.

A small box was placed on the ground. Albert curiously picks it up and opens it. He drops the box and falls to the ground in shock when random confetti burst out of the box. He breathes in and out, trying to figure out what just happened.

He starts to chuckle, then it turns to hysterical laughter. He never felt alive ever since you guys hadn't talk for a few weeks. He wipes his tears and looks up to see you holding a bouquet of nuggets on your hands. You grin as you hand out your hand to Albert. He blushes in embarrassment and grabs your hand in return, helping him stand up.

"Did you enjoy the surprise?"

"Y/N, you're not suppose to be here! And how did you know where I live?!" He asks. You face palmed to him as you told him that he told you about the directions to his house.

"Well, that makes sense. But I didn't tell you to visit me! Jake's going to kill you once he finds out that we've talked to each other!" He exclaims. You then placed a chicken nugget in his mouth to shut him up.

"Just- what the heck are you talking about? Jake isn't going to kill me or something. Is that why you were ignoring me this whole time?" You asked as Albert sighs in defeat. He then closes the door behind you. You bang on his door as you shouted at him.

"Albert? Please don't do this to me!" You said. You were about to barge in when you randomly felt a hand covering your mouth. Your screams were muffled as you hear Jake whispering in your ear.

"He's so stupid, isn't he?"

"H-How did you-?" You struggle from his grasp when all of a sudden you felt a warm cloth placed on your nose. You breathe in as your eyes became droopy.

Jake, you sick bastard.

You felt him let you go as you drop to the ground, facing the sky.

You see Jake looking down at you smiling. You see him moving his mouth, but you can't seem to hear what he was saying.

Before you closed your eyes, you see Albert hit Jake on the head with a baseball bat. Your vision became blurrier after Jake fell to the ground. You then see Albert kneeled down at you as he screams at your face, seeing tears welling up in his eyes.

Then, after that, you finally closed your eyes in exhaustion.


Wow sorry for the wait guys.

Fun fact: This happened around Valentine's Day, (which explains the bouquet of nuggets.)

But anyways the next chapter will still happen on the same day and such.

Aight see you guys again soon love you all. <3

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