№ 16: New Year

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'Y/N, I wish this lasts forever.' You looked at your right to see a blurry outline of someone. You sigh as you hear something loud exploding through the sky.

'Yeah, me too." You said as the blurry outline looked back at you. It then reaches for you....


All of a sudden....


You quickly sat up, your heart beating inside your chest. You can feel your cheeks get warm as you feel chills around the room.

What just happened?

You hear a horn shouting outside your window. You groan as you went to you window. You opened it to see B/F/N, blowing a toy horn as she grins at you.

"Wakey wakey, Y/N! Let's go and have fun!" B/F/N screams as you face palmed.

Why is she still your best friend?

"Wait- just, shh!" You place your finger to your lip as you quickly went to shower. You then changed into your normal clothes as you checked the time.

Huh, it's 1:00PM already?

But at least you had a good sleep.

You rushed outside as B/F/N claps. "That's a new record for you! This is your earliest time yet!" She says as you guys started to walk to her house.

"You weren't even with me when I was with my family. Trust me, I woke up earlier than that." You spoke as B/F/N shivers. "I don't really sleep anyways. But wow, you must've had fun." B/F/N laughs as you rub your eyes tiredly. Of course, it still wasn't enough time for you.

It didn't take long for you guys to reach her house. You guys just live on the opposite side of the street, so it wasn't that long of a walk.

"And we're here! Let's go and make food, Y/N!" She says in excitement as she runs to the grocery bags that she prepared on the counter. You weren't so sure with you guys cooking, but you knew that B/F/N had the upper hand and all you could do is follow instructions.

"Okay then, let's prepare." You anxiously said.

'Well, here goes nothing.'


Albert woke up, wondering how he ended up in his house when he was just outside with you yesterday.

He checked the time to see that it was already 1:20PM. He panicked as he got up and went to his computer. Being him, it didn't really matter if he showered or not.

After all, he didn't show himself yet to the world.

But after what Y/N said about accepting the world for what it is...

Maybe he would do a face reveal one day.

Albert logs into his account. It was going to be a special video for his fans since it was already New Year. He logs into his account and starts playing his 'New Year' special.

"I don't really give special mentions to my fans, but there is one person I would like to thank..."


After Kaden was finish with his video, he jogged to B/F/N house.

He couldn't wait to celebrate New Year with you guys.

"B/F/N! I'm here!" Kaden says as he knocked on B/F/N house. "Wait! I need more time!" Kaden heard B/F/N scream inside her house. He chuckled as he waited for the door to open.

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