Revealing my Past

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"I really should be getting back sorry for interrupting you” I said as I quickly walked past Norman and walked out of his trailer. I was walking back to the Supernatural set when I heard Andrew yell, “WAIT!” I turned around and he caught up to me he handed me his phone and told me, “put your number in my phone and anytime you want to talk just text or call me.” with that he hugged me and ran back to his trailer and I continued walking to set by the time that I returned to set Jeffrey was ready to leave and on the car ride home it was completely silent when we got home I just went up to my room and locked the door. I thought about how Andrew said about if I wanted to talk that he was there for me I picked up my phone and texted Andrew, “hey you available to talk?” a couple of minutes later I got a text from Andrew saying, “Yeah what’s up?” I took a deep breath before hitting the call button “Hello” “Hey Andrew I just wanted to get some thing’s off my chest and so I feel like I can trust you.” “Well I’m listening sweetheart so tell me anything you want.” “I was put in an orphanage at the age of three after my mom committed suicide after my dad left, the reason for him leaving is that she was abusing me and he couldn’t take it anymore so he left and I've never talked or seen him since then she would do horrible things to me because my dad had cheated on her and she blamed me for that and so she would lock me in my room for long periods of a time without any food for weeks at a time.” I stopped as tears started flow down my face and I tried to calm my breathing that way I wouldn’t have a panic attack that’s when I heard Andrew saying “I need you to breathe sweetheart  inhale for five and exhale for seven.” I listened to his instructions and slowly my breath went back to normal and I told Andrew “thanks for letting me get that off my chest, but I’m gonna let you go back doing whatever you were before I called you goodnight Andy.” "Goodnight sweetie" with that I hung up and changed into my PJs and crawled into bed and went to sleep.

Adopted by Jeffrey Dean MorganWhere stories live. Discover now