4. Yunho x Mingi

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TRIGGER WARNING: This story contains sensitive subjects such as eating problems and self neglect. If you ever want to talk to me, I'm always here to listen!

Story plot: Where Yunho and Mingi have a relationship.  When they came out to the group and all the fans they mostly received loving and supportive reactions. They don't tend to be extremely clingy or too touchy because they want to keep that part for themselves. As they all have their monthly talk with the manager, Yunho's behavior visibly changes. No matter how hard Mingi tries, he can't get his boyfriend to speak up about what's wrong. Until one day, Yunho collapses during practice.

Boyfriends are suppose to tell eachother everything right? But what if it's such a big thing you don't want to drag you significant other into? What if it's too much.

After a long day of practice it's time for a monthly talk with the manager. After some time it was Yunho's turn. As he walks into the small office he's full of confidence that things will turn out quite positive. He's been practicing really hard, even after the other members left to make sure  he gets everything spot on.

"So I've been studying everything for quite some time now" the manager states with a serious tone that starts to frighten Yunho. He was working hard right? He is doing his very best to make Atiny and the others proud. "I don't know any other way to put this but it seems you have gained some weight over the past few months. At first I let it slide, thinking you would notice. But it seems like you haven't." Yunho has no idea what to say, all he can do is just look at his manager. Sure he has been eating more, but he has also been practicing a lot more than usual. "I think that is something you need to work on okay?" Yunho nods quietly as the words sink in. You gained weight.

He walks out of the office. "How did it go babe?" Mingi asks as he pulls his boyfriend on his lap, wrapping his arms around his waist. Yunho becomes aware of every touch. Did Mingi notice as well? Does he mind? "Fine, nothing special" Yunho instantly regrets his answer. Things weren't fine and it didn't go well. "I'm going to shower and go to bed. I'll see you later okay?" Yunho kisses his boyfriend and gets up.

On the way to his dorm so many thoughts are spiraling around his mind. Is he letting the group down? Why did no one tell him this before? How am I going to work on this?  Yunho sighs as he steps into his bathroom and undresses. He stares at himself in the mirror as tears start to form in his eyes. He doesn't understand where his manager is coming from. It's not that bad but, if his manager says so, it must be true. Yunho steps on the scale, barely able to read the numbers on it through his teary eyes. He pushes it aside and takes a long hot shower.

In bed, Yunho his trying to figure out a healthy plan to lose weight before the next monthly talk. He needs to show his manager that he is working on it and that he is doing his best to be the best version of himself. 

The first week went pretty smoothly according to his set up plan. He started to eat more fruit and vegetables and quit snacking late at night. He practiced as hard as he could. If this plan was working, Yunho felt like he could stick with it. That sunday he stepped on the scale in the morning, believing his changes would show. Reality hit him hard when he saw he barely lost any weight. How could that be possible with all the changes he made. He rubbed the tears from his eyes, feeling lost as there was a knock on the door. "Hey babe, you wanna watch a movie with us? Seonghwa is getting the popcorn ready!" "Uh no thanks I'm pretty tired." Yunho put his pyjamas on and hugged his boyfriend. He needed to work harder than ever.

The following weeks Yunho started to skip meals, finally seeing results on the scale. Everytime the boys would go out for dinner he'd make up an excuse so he wouldn't have to be there. 

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