43. Yunho x Wooyoung

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Story plot: Wooyoung's mission shouldn't be that hard. All they need to figure out is which subway to ride. But they're both struggling at lot with reading all the english signs. With no one to help them out, they end up in the wrong subways. As it's getting later at night, they start to panic. At this point they just want to leave and go back. But how do you go back to a place when you don't understand how you're supposed to get there.

Yunho and Wooyoung are pretty excited once they're in the van and on their way to the subway station. Wooyoung takes Yunho's hand in his and smiles. "I'm so happy we're on this mission together! I wouldn't want to have been with anyone else but you baby." Yunho smiles and lifts up their hands, placing a light kiss on Wooyoung's hand. "Same baby, we're gonna kill this mission together!"

After their short drive to the station they're dropped off by the staff members and that's when they realize they're really alone in this.

"Wait.. How are we going to read and understand everything?" Wooyoung asks as he looks at Yunho. He did hope that someone of their staff would come along and help translate everything. "We can do this. We're in this together." Yunho smiles as he kisses Wooyoung's cheek, dragging him inside the station.

"Look there is a map!" Yunho says as he drags Wooyoung with him once again. As Yunho is trying to study the map, Wooyoung is feeling more and more nervous about the whole situation. He steps closer to Yunho, wrapping his tiny arms around his waist. "So where are we right now?" Wooyoung asks carefully as he's trying to study the map as well.

"Oh wait we're here aren't we?" Wooyoung asks as he point to the place that has a red circle around it. "Yes! See, I told you we can figure it out together baby. Have a little faith in yourself." Yunho kisses Wooyoung's cheek who instantly starts blushing. "And we need to go to this place right?" Wooyoung points at the place that he wrote down on a little note.

"Yes! Now we need to find a place or a machine where we can get the tickets." Yunho says as he wraps his arm around Wooyoung's waist to keep him close. He can sense that Wooyoung is really nervous about the whole situation, so the least he can do is be there for him.

"Look, I think it's over there." Yunho says he points to a machine where another couple just bought their tickets. They make their way over to the machine and after a while they manage to buy tickets for the subway they need to take.

They try to figure out where their subway is departing from, but there are so many signs pointing in different directions. Yunho brushes Wooyoung's waist reassuringly with his thumb. "Shall we just look around to see if we find a train that has our destination on it?" Wooyoung suggests, because he refuses it to ask someone at this point. Yunho nods and kisses Wooyoung's temple.

As they're walking through the subway they can't find a single subway that has their destination on it. Wooyoung sits down on a bench and sighs. Yunho sits down next to him and wraps his arm around his boyfriend. "Don't be down just because of this baby." "I'm not.. It's everything together.. I don't want to fail this mission. Hongjoong hyung wouldn't have struggled with this at all. I wish I worked as hard as him to learn english but my lazy ass didn't work hard enough of course. I'm scared that we get lost and never get back."

"But baby, don't forget that Hongjoong hyung  is also our leader. Plus, I've seen you working on your english and I'm so proud of you with every word or sentence that you learn. Just think about Yeosang's mission. He's forced to greet 15 people. I'd be proud of him as well if he managed to greet 5." Wooyoung looks at him, not understanding what point he trying to make here.

"What I mean is that this isn't about succeeding. It's about us being put in a position that we're uncomfortable with, but hopefully get more comfortable with. So it doesn't matter how this mission will go, at least we tried. I got my phone with me for emergencies, do if we really get completely lost, I'll call someone okay?" Wooyoung smiles and visibly relaxes from the comfortable words from his boyfriend. "Damnit I love you so much Yunho." Yunho chuckles and smiles. "I love you so much too Wooyoungie."

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