19. Yeosang x Yunho

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Story plot: Yeosang and Yunho have been together for quite some time, but their relationship is toxic to say the least. Not a day goes by without one of them starting a fight. They'll insult each other in the most horrible ways or worse, they'll actually physically fight each other. The other members are worried but can't seem to make them realize they need to change their behavior. Something needs to change, but how, if all of this is so normal to them.

San is the lucky one to have a room next to the wonderful couple. Not a day goes by where San  doesn't hears shouting to a point where he needs to get up and get them away from each other. San isn't the only one who tried to talk to either Yeosang or Yunho, but they just don't see the problem.

"No you need to keep your hands away from my shit!" Yunho shouts as Yeosang is looking for the scarf he wanted to wear.

"YOUR SHIT?!" Yeosang shouts "You were the last person to touch my fucking scarf and I'm just trying to find it in the mess you made!"

"I didn't make a mess! You're the one who's a fucking mess!"

Yeosang gets up and pushes Yunho hard against the wall. "Don't you dare calling me a mess ever again! You're fucked up Yunho!"

Yunho slaps Yeosang with his flat hand against his cheek leaving a burning red mark causing Yeosang to scream in pain.

San jumps up from his bed as rushes into the room quickly pulling Yeosang away who was about to punch Yunho. "Enough! Enough! You're both a mess right now!" He drags Yeosang downstairs and lets him sit down on a stool at the kitchen island. "You guys really need to work on your shit" San sighs as he grabs some ice from the fridge, wrapping a towel around it and handing it over to Yeosang. "What do you think we're trying to do?" Yeosang replies and flinches as he places the ice on his cheek.

San doesn't like this version of Yeosang, he prefers the shy guy he had to push on stage while forcing a microphone in his hand. The past few months, there is nothing left of the shy guy he used to be. In fact, he's becoming more and more arrogant. San just rolls his eyes at Yeosangs reply, seeing no point in continuing the conversation.

San walks back to his room and drops down on the bed. How can I make them quit this. There is no way they're going to listen. Should I just let it go out of control for once? Instead of stopping them when it's about to explode? Maybe they just need to face the fact what they're doing to each other. That's the only plan he can come up with and the only one that might actually work.

In the morning everyone is eating breakfast together and it's almost as if Yeosang and Yunho never even fought.

Yeosang moves back onto Yunhos lap and smiles "Maybe we can cuddle in bed today and watch a movie?" Yeosang asks as he brushes his boyfriends cheek softly with his fingers making Yunho smiles "All I need is you by my side, so I'm good with any option". Yunho pulls Yeosangs face closer and kisses him gently "Hmm and maybe order a pizza?" "I love pizza" Yeosang answers and rests back against Yunho.

After breakfast the couple makes their way upstairs and snuggles back into their bed. "I'll order pizza!" Yeosang smiles as he orders his and Yunhos favorite pizza "It should be here in about 40 minutes". "Hm 40 minutes should be long enough to enjoy each others company a little more don't you think?" Yunho smirks as his hand slides down to Yeosangs thigh. "Ah babe please give me a break. I'm still sore from yesterday" Yeosang says while blushing. "But can you resist?" Yunho slides his hand slowly closer to Yeosangs member, but this time Yeosang pushes him off. "Yunho please I swear I'm sore. My whole body is still hurting. Maybe tomorrow after practice? We'd need to take a shower afterwards anyway right?" Yunho groans and takes his hand away "Fine." and Yeosang knows he's mad right now.

"If you didn't go down on me that hard all the time I'd be more into it you know. So don't put this on me" "Uh you're the one screaming my name and telling me to go faster and harder" Yeosang sits up. "Are you seriously blaming this on me now?! You enjoy fucking me just as much as I enjoy getting fucked by you! But that comes with a price because I am sore Yunho!" "You're being such a baby! It's not like it's your first time Yeosang!" "Oh my God. That has NOTHING to do with it!"

Yeosang gets up from the bed not wanting to watch a movie and cuddle anymore. As he makes his way towards the door he feels Yunho grab his arm firmly. "Let me go asshole!" "No you need to stop being such a little bitch all the time!" "No you need to stop being so fucking needy all the time!"

Yeosang tries to get away from his firm grip only making Yunho tighten his grip. "You're hurting me Yunho!" Yeosang clenches his fist and hits Yunho in his stomach, causing him to bend over and groan in pain. "You ugly piece of shit!" He shouts and smacks Yeosangs nose causing it to start bleeding. "FUCK!" Yeosang holds onto his nose making sure he hits Yunhos as well.

The fight continues like that for about 10 more minutes until both boys are knelt down on the bedroom floor, covered in tears, bruises and blood. They both remain silent.

How did we ever let it get this far?  Yunho wonders. He can't believe they've actually hurt each other this much. Not just physically but they called each other really nasty things, both hurting each other deeply. This was never suppose to happen. 

I'm a horrible person. For fuck sake. Look at what you've done to him! Yeosang thinks as he looks over at his boyfriend who's groaning in pain. This is not who you are. More tears start to roll down his cheeks as he crawls over to his boyfriend.

"Y- Yunho I'm so sorry. I- It's all my fault" Yeosang sobs as Yunho looks up, tears covering his cheeks as well. "No! No I'm sorry Sangie, I pushed you around way too much". They carefully sit up and hold onto each other for dear life. They cry for what feels like hours before they look up from a subtle knock on their bedroom door.

"Sangie.. Yunho.." San opens the door and walks in. He's heard everything from his room and he felt horrible about the fact that he wasn't breaking them apart. "Oh my God look at you guys!" San runs into the bathroom to wet some towels. As he kneels down he clears the blood from their faces. "I'm sorry I didn't stop you guys but.. We all tried talking to you guys and-"

Seonghwa peeks around the corner "Is everything okay in here?" "Yes they're okay now" San replies as all of the other members walk into the room as well. Everyone heard them fighting and it was terrible. San continues to rub the blood away as all the other members gather around for a group hug. "We tried talking to you guys.. So many times.. But you never seemed to listen" Yeosang looks up at Hongjoong. "I know I mean.. I don't know. Everything just got so messed up" "It felt like you guys were attacking us" Yunho continues "Because to us it became kind of a normal thing, even though it wasn't normal of course". Hongjoong nods as Jongho speaks up "Well I'm just glad you guys finally seem to realize this needs to stop." Yunho smiles slightly and nods "Yeah I think we have a lot to work on.." he looks over at Yeosang who looks drained but manages to nod his head. "Let's give them some time. We just wanted to make sure you guys were okay again" Seonghwa says as he leaves with all the others members.

The doorbell rings downstairs and Wooyoung is the one who opens the door and takes the pizzas. "Did you guys order pizza?!" He shouts upstairs causing Yeosang and Yunho to chuckle. "Yeah but you guys can have it!" "Thanks!"

Yunho chuckles as he picks up his boyfriend and places him on the bed. "Let me change you into your soft pyjamas and we'll cuddle okay?" Yeosang nods as Yunho slides on his own pyjamas and helping Yeosang change into his. Yunho slides under the covers, carefully pulling his boyfriend closer "We'll work things out right.." he speaks softly and Yeosang nods placing a small kiss on his chest. After a while they both slowly drift off to sleep.

A/N: I can't imagine either Yunho or Yeosang behaving like this so it was kind of hard to work this out. I hope you guys like it!

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