7. Mingi x Wooyoung

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Story plot: There is one person that can light up Mingis day and that person is Wooyoung. For them, it wasn't love at the first sight. One night, Mingi was fed up not being able to get the rap down the way he wanted to. He left the recording studio frustrated and went back to the dorms around 2:30 in the morning. He didn't expect anyone to be awake, but someone was still awake and that someone was Wooyoung. Ever since that night, they are inseparable. 

Mingi is trying the best he can. He has been in the recording studio since 9pm trying to work out a rap part on a record that Hongjoong made him listen to. All the others left around 12am but Mingi was determined to get the rap done today. He sighs as he checks the time, it's nearly 2am and he still hasn't gotten any further than he was 30 minutes ago. Fuck it he thinks to himself and starts packing up his stuff. It's not like he will get anything done staying here longer.

As he walks down back to the dorms he feels frustrated. The words from the others all seemed to fall into place, why couldn't he get it down so easily. He needs to rest and let it go for now. Tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities, maybe he'll be able to work it out then after giving his brain a much needed break.

He walks in quietly, expecting all the others to be in a deep sleep by now.

Wooyoung hears footsteps in the hall and sits up on the couch. He couldn't sleep. He kept thinking about Mingi still working hard so he decided to stay awake and at least wait for him to come back. "Hey, finally you're back!" Wooyoung says and smiles as Mingi nearly jumps through the ceiling.

"Wooyoungie why are you still awake? It's 2:30 in the morning! You should be sleeping and getting some rest." Mingi takes his shoes off and walks over to him. "I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about you. Honestly I was about to walk back to the studio to make sure you were okay." A slight blush is creeping up on Wooyoungs cheeks. 

"Oh wow.. That's so sweet.. I- I didn't expect that honestly." Wooyoung gets up from the couch in his pyjamas and hugs Mingi. "We all care for each other silly." Mingi smiles as he wraps the shorter boy in his arms.

Wooyoung closes his eyes. He's never felt this safe or like this before. All he wants is to be around Mingi. Make sure he doesn't overwork himself like Hongjoong. It's amazing how they can both work so hard, but someone needs to make sure they take a break from everything as well. "Mingi.. I really don't want you to overwork yourself like Hongjoong did" Wooyoung swallows, remembering how Hongjoong could only lay in bed and sleep just from the exhaustion. He looks up at the taller boy who is looking directly into his eyes.

Wooyoung doesn't understand what he is feeling right now, all he knows is that it's a good kind of feeling. "Wooyoung.." Just by hearing his name a smile creeps up on his face. He's never spend so much alone time with Mingi to ever give words to his feelings. But he knows one thing for sure, if he can't say it with words, he'll prove it. Wooyoung wraps his arms around Mingis neck and kisses him softly.

Mingi has no idea what is happening right now. He never thought he felt this way for Wooyoung, but damn, this feels amazing. After a couple seconds of processing everything he kisses him back softly. 

Wooyoung bites softly on Minigis bottom lip making him groan softly. Wooyoung places his hand on Mingis cheek. "You're amazing, don't be so hard on yourself." Mingi smiles, completely forgetting about all frustration and stress he felt at the studio. He picks up Wooyoung and walks over the couch. "You leave me speechless" Wooyoung laughs making Mingi laugh as well. "I leave everyone speechless, I don't even give them room to talk to protest!"

Mingi pulls Wooyoung closer, grabbing a blanket from the basket to cover them. "How can you always be so happy and energetic?" Mingi looks over at Wooyoung who snuggled into his arms and shrugs. "I guess it's just who I am. I try not to worry too much. If it doesn't work out today, maybe it will work out tomorrow. That's something Seonghwa taught me. I wasn't always like that. He taught me to live a little more carefree." Mingi smiles and looks up the ceiling. "That actually sounds like something I should probably try." Wooyoung nods placing soft kisses on his temple.

"You know you look really silly when you're concentrating." Wooyoung states causing them to laugh. "I know, I know, thanks for the reminder Wooyoungie." Wooyoung chuckles "You're more than welcome. Always there to cheer you up right?" "Yeah right" Mingi laughs kissing the top of Wooyoungs head.

Mingi yawns and closes his eyes. "I never expected my night to go and end like this." "Neither did I" Wooyoung says as his cheeks heat up. "I never even knew I-" "Neither did I" and they laugh. "Mingi, would you want to be my boyfriend? I mean uhm-" "I do. I would love to be all yours Woo." Mingi says as he kisses Wooyoung softly on his lips. "We'll find a way to tell the others. There is no rush on that part. We can keep it a secret-" "Do you really think I want to keep my happiness a secret from them? Hell no! And if they don't like it, it's their problem, not ours." Wooyoung smiles and kisses Mingis nose "Yeah you're right. Living carefree huh?" he says as he pokes his side. "Carefree baby." Mingi says as they both drift off to sleep on the couch.

A/N: Sorry this one sucked. I just wanted to put out a new oneshot for you guys. The next one will be better!

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