13. Jongho x San

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Story plot: San is the only Ateez member who's being bullied. Not only through social media, but also at fan meetings. They're complaining he's only skinny for the attention, that he isn't trying hard enough to gain weight and that they don't see his value in the group. Jongho always tries to convince his boyfriend he is perfect and working hard to gain weight. After another fan meeting filled with hurtful comments, Jongho has had enough and decides it's time to publicly stand up for his boyfriend.

The bond San and Jongho have together seems to be unbreakable. Jongho knows his boyfriend is dealing with bullies online and some even show up at fan meetings. San is a strong guy who can handle a lot, but everyone has a breaking point. He's close to breaking down and Jongho notices.

San is not the happy and energetic boy that he used to be and everyone in ATEEZ understands why. They all know Sans strength, but it hurts them to see one of their most energetic member is looking more tired everyday. Jongho tried to talk to him, but San will just say he's fine and that he can manage it.

But San isn't managing everything very well. He's working hard to be the best he can be for his fans and he's eating more than enough that he should be gaining weight. Nobody seems to understand how frustrating it is to not be able to gain weight. He weighs himself every monday morning and it's annoying how he's barely putting on any weight.

It's another monday morning and San sighs. "I'll come with you Sanie. You've worked so hard this week, but you know I'll always be proud of you."Jongho kisses his boyfriend as they get up and make their way to the bathroom. Since the past 3 weeks Jongho follows him into the bathroom to make sure San doesn't beat himself up if he didn't gain the weight he hoped he would.

As San steps on the scale he anxiously grabs Jonghos hand who places a gentle and supportive kiss on it. He takes a deep breath and looks down at the numbers and screams what can only be described as pure frustration. "Sanie.." He hears knocking from outside their bathroom door. It's Hongjoong. San pushes the scale away and gets out only to have two arms wrapped around him right away and Jongho smiles. Everyone is there for San because they all know how much he's been struggling.

San feels tears roll down his cheeks as he sobs quietly and Jongho places his hand on Sans back as well. "I- I just don't understand it!" San sobs as Hongjoong holds him closer. "It's okay San, it's okay." Jongho moves behind Hongjoong to kiss his boyfriends forehead. San continues to sob for a while. As San calms down Hongjoong lets go of him so he can hug his boyfriend. "We're always proud of you Sannie. We know you work hard to put on some weight." San nods and wraps his arms around Jongho. "I'll leave you two alone." Hongjoong says as Jongho nods.

Jongho pulls San down on his lap as they sit down "But you did gain a little, and that's great hm. Maybe not as much as you had hoped, but it's something." San nods, knowing he needs to accept the fact that it's just not going to be as easy as he hoped it would be. "Yeah you're right. I didn't fail completely." San chuckles softly as Jongho kisses his shoulder. "No you didn't."

"Maybe we could do a VLive tonight? And you can tell them that you gained weight. We don't need to say now much, but just rub it in that you are the hardest working man ever and getting there!" Jongho says smiling as San looks up. "Yeah! I'm in! They can't possibly say stupid things about that!" 

The VLive did go according to plan. Sure there were still a few people being shit and all, but not as much as usually and San was happy. He finally felt like it mattered what he did and he was just happy with the fact that people stopped complaining and saying hurtful things all the time. Tomorrow they would have another fan meeting and San was feeling confident. He gained weight and there was no one who could be rude about that.

San was standing in front of his closet trying to put an outfit together that he wants to wear to the fan meeting today. Soon he felt two strong arms wrap around his waist from behind and he smiled. "Hmm there is my handsome man." Jongho murmerd in Sans ear causing shivers to run down his spine. This boy drives him insane. He felt Jonghos hand slide down to his thigh and he groans softly "Hmm we need to hurry baby, we're already late." Jongho sighs as he places slow kisses on Sans neck, knowing he's right "Mhm, I know". They're already running late because they wanted to cuddle some more instead of getting out of bed right away when the alarm went off.

As he helps San pick and outfit they make their way downstairs to the other members, quickly grabbing some breakfast as they walk by the kitchen. 

Hongjoong smiles, seeing how happy San is feeling right now. That can either mean that San did gain a little bit of weight yesterday or he and Jongho had some fun last night. "Alright let's hurry up!" Everyone agrees as they make their way to the venue to get their hair and makeup done before the fan meeting starts.

As they all settle down San takes his place next to Jongho causing Hongjoong to roll his eyes and chuckle. These two really are inseparable.

A girl sits down in front of San and he smiles. He's had a really good meeting so far. "I can't believe you think we're buying those lies San. You really think anyone believe you put on weight when we can all see your chicken arms and legs. You're just seeking for even more attention."

San is speechless and doesn't know what to say, but he doesn't have to. Jongho heard every word and is furious. No one has the rights to insult his boyfriend and he's tired of this constant bullying and bullshit.

"ENOUGH!" Jongho yells as he gets up from his seat causing the whole venue to go quiet. Hongjoong is about to jump up from his seat to calm him down but Seonghwa pulls him back down as he whispers "Let him do this."

"ENOUGH OKAY! I'm sick and tired of everyone who thinks it's okay to bully my boyfriend! Bullying is not okay! You have no idea how much you hurt him with all the stupid words you say! If you support him, thank you, than this message is not meant for you. This message is for all the people who've been hurting him the past few months! San is working really hard to be the best he can be for all of you! It's not that easy for him to put on weight but I know he's working his ass off to gain some! And all you do is push him down when he's happy! This needs to stop right now! I won't let anyone hurt him any longer! Leave my amazing and beautiful boyfriend alone!" Jongho looks around the venue, his knuckles turning white from clenching his fists the entire time.

After a couple of quiet seconds all the other ATEEZ members get up and start clapping, soon followed by the entire venue. They're all cheering loudly for Jongho.

San gets up from his seat and rushes to his boyfriend to pull him closer in his arms as he whispers "Words can't describe how thankful I am right now and how much I love you". "Then don't speak" Jongho says as he pulls his boyfriend closer to kiss him. San wraps his arms even tighter around his boyfriend kissing him with all the passion that's rushing through his body.

A/N: I based this on the logbook where San was a happy muffin who gained some weight. I hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot!

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