44. Hongjoong x Mingi

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Story plot: Mingi and Hongjoong felt quite confident that they would be able to be themselves once they were in Australia. But it's the same all around the world, no matter how accepting a country may seem, there will always be hate. As they make their way to accomplish Mingi's mission, something happens.

Hongjoong and Mingi are preparing to go out for Mingi's challenge. Hongjoong smiles as he looks at his boyfriend. "What?" "Nothing, you're just so beautiful." Mingi blushes slightly and chuckles. "Oh shut up. You're the one who is looking beautiful today." Hongjoong smiles and wraps his tiny arms around his boyfriend.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are you about this mission?" Hongjoong asks with a small smirk on his face. "Oh I couldn't be more excited. This one is totally up my alley." Mingi says with a hint of sarcasm causing Hongjoong to laugh. "Ready to go out and fix this mission babe?" "I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Mingi laughs as they make their way downstairs.

Hongjoong grabs their camera. They decided to not only film it for their Treasure Film but also stream it live for the others to watch. "I still don't understand why you want them to be watching this live." Mingi mumbles. "Because we all know it's going to be so funny and I don't want them to miss any second of it." Hongjoong laughs and Mingi rolls his eyes in a playful way. "Fine. Let's go and get this over with."

They make their way out the door, enjoying the beauty of Sydney on their way to the pharmacy. Hongjoong intertwines his fingers with Mingi's and caresses his hand softly. "Have you been practicing for this when you found out what you have to get or are you just going in and see what happens?" "If I would have practiced I would have practiced with you so no. I'm just going in since I think it will be a lot more fun as well. I'm just gonna try my best and we'll where that takes us."

As they're walking towards the city where the pharmacy is located, Hongjoongs eyes catches something. "Are they staring at us?" He whispers as Mingi turns to look that way and shrugs. He's used to being stared at when he's holding hands with his boyfriend.

It does piss him off sometimes. They're just a couple holding hands but sometimes it feels like they're some kind of animals that everyone wants to look at. "Maybe. But people often stare at us babe. Just ignore them."

Hongjoong nods in agreement but his gut feeling is telling him something else.

They're not just looking at us. Sure, people turn around if we hold hands all the time because apparently it's something people need to see twice, but this time feels different. Maybe Mingi is right. Maybe I shouldn't be making such an issue out of people looking at us every time.

As he's trying to push Mingi's words in his head, it still doesn't reassure him and the uneasy feeling he has is not going away either.

"So we're in city now guys, on our way to the pharmacy for my mission. I'm pretty sure it's all going to go very smooth. No worries at all and I'll come back with all the things from the list I swear!" Mingi looks at the camera and laughs.

Hongjoong isn't paying attention to actually filming their mission anymore. He turns around to see where the group of guys is and panics when he sees they're getting up and start walking behind them in the same direction. "Why are they following us?" He asks and Mingi turns to look behind them as well. "I don't know. Maybe they're just heading the same way?"

Sometimes Hongjoong is glad that Mingi is much more relaxed and laid back than he is, but not right now. "Mingi I really don't think they're just heading in the same direction.. I feel like they're coming for us." Hongjoong says as he squeezes his boyfriend's hand more firmly.

Mingi turns around only to see the group of guys quickly catching up on them. "Shit. I think you're right." Mingi is still holding the camera in the meantime. All the other members are just watching it happen without being able to do something.

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