11. Wooyoung x Hongjoong

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Story plot: Wooyoung is working harder than ever for the comeback. Hongjoong is being very supportive but he knows Wooyoungs body and mind have its limits as well. Wooyoung always worries about Hongjoong overworking himself so he tries to help him wherever he can. But Hongjoong watches his boyfriend push himself to a breaking point and he needs to stop him.

It was late at night and Wooyoung was still practicing a dance routine while Hongjoong was wrapping up a song he composed. At around 2am Hongjoong walked over to his boyfriend and turned the music off "Woo let's go babe. We'll continue tomorrow." Wooyoung looks up, covered in sweat and breathing heavy as he nods. 

Hongjoong walks over wrapping his arm around his boyfriend so he can lean on him "Don't work too hard okay. You're perfect." Hongjoong kisses his cheek as they walk back to the dorms.

Wooyoung feels as if he's not working hard enough. He always claims to be good at performance and that's what he needs to prove everyone at this comeback. His stage performance will be nothing but pure perfection and he'll do whatever it takes to get there.

Hongjoong locks their bedroom door and undresses his boyfriend "You're so sexy." Wooyoung does the same thing and smiles "Says my sexy man." Wooyoung pushes his boyfriend back down on the bed and snuggles down beside him.

Hongjoong looks down at his precious boyfriend and brushes his cheek with his thumb "You're doing alright baby? You've been working really hard lately." Wooyoung bit down on his bottom lip. No I'm not okay. "Yeah I'm good babe, I just wanna make sure everything is perfect for our comeback." Wooyoung looks up to kiss his boyfriend and wish him a good night. Tomorrow he was going to work even harder. He was getting there but in Wooyoungs eyes it wasn't perfect enough.

It's early in the morning as Wooyoung and Hongjoong are making their way back to the studio. Hongjoong was going to work on songs and meanwhile Wooyoung was going to work on the performance. Wooyoung stands in front of the mirror staring at himself. I need to prove myself. I need to be better. I need to be perfect. Wooyoung rubs in his eyes and turns on the music as he starts dancing.

Hongjoong is working hard on new songs but occasionally takes a break from everything, while Wooyoung is pushing his limits by dancing non stop until the door of the dance practice room opens. Wooyoung looks up and smiles as he sees his boyfriend. "Wooyoungie babe you are taking breaks right? You can't keep going." "Yeah I am" Wooyoung lied. He didn't want his boyfriend to worry. He walks over and pauses the music as he feels Hongjoongs small arms wrap around him. "You look tired Woo.." Hongjoong says as he looks into his eyes. "I told you I'm fine Hongjoong." Wooyoung was getting frustrated. Hongjoong needs to stop worrying so much and mind his own business. He just needs to work harder to be as good as the others, he needs to work his way up to perfection. "Sorry, I'm just worried" Hongjoong says as he kisses his boyfriend softly and dropping the subject. The last thing he wants is getting them in a fight. "Let's eat lunch and continue after that okay?" Wooyoung nods, even though he doesn't want to waste his time on eating lunch right now.

After lunch Hongjoong is back in his studio and Wooyoung made his way back to the practice room. He sits down on the ground as tears form in his eyes. Why can't I get everything right? Why do I keep being such a fuck up. No matter how hard I try, I'll never be good enough. Wooyoung brushes the tears from his eyes with his sleeves. He doesn't have the time to be sitting here crying over this. He needs to get up and work.

Wooyoung gets up turning the music back on. The dizziness he's experiencing is becoming more and more intense with each minute passing by. He won't stop. Not right now. All Wooyoung wants is to drop down and cry, but now isn't the time. He can be tired after today's practice, but not right now.

Hongjoong kept his door slightly open. Even though Wooyoung tells him not to worry about him, how can he not be worried. He knows Wooyoung and he knows he's overworking himself completely. The reason he keeps his door slightly open is to hear if Wooyoung pauses his music every now and than. In the past 2 hours, Hongjoong hasn't heard the music shut off once. Instead, he keeps hearing the same part over and over again. He can't even focus on his own songs, he's too worried.

Another hour passed and Hongjoong still hasn't heard the music stop. Fuck this. I'm going to stop him. Even though Hongjoong hates arguing with his boyfriend, enough is enough.

Wooyoung presses play again for the billionth time today. His vision is becoming blurry and he's unable to focus. The dizziness is overwhelming. He stumbles to the wall to lean against it before his legs give in. He drops down on the ground unable to move. In the distance he hears the door open and Hongjoong screaming his name. After that, everything went quiet.

"WOOYOUNG!" Hongjoong screams as he rushes over to his boyfriend who's knock out on the ground. "Wooyoung baby please. Open your beautiful eyes. It's me, Hongjoong." Tears are streaming down his cheeks. I told you to take it slow Woo, fuck. 

Seconds feel like minutes and minutes feel like hours as Hongjoong is hopelessly trying to wake his boyfriend up. He placed Wooyoung on his side with his head on his lap. He reaches over and grabs a bottle of water, carefully splashing some in Wooyoungs face. "Baby please don't leave me. I love you so much. I- I should have stopped you." Hongjoong sobs as the fear of losing his boyfriend is growing stronger and stronger. 

After 10 minutes Wooyoung hears a faint crying in the background, one he recognizes immediately. With all the strength he has, he opens his eyes and mumbles "Hongjoong." "Wooyoung! Oh I'm so happy to hear your voice I- I thought I lost you." Hongjoong manages to say while sobbing. "Here, t- try to eat this baby" Hongjoong grabs an energy boost bar feeding small pieces to Wooyoung.

Half an hour has passed and Hongjoong managed to sit up against the wall holding his boyfriend close in his tiny arms. He's softly brushing Wooyoungs hair quietly, just being beyond thankful that he left his door open and decided to check on him. God knows what happened if he didn't, how long his boyfriend would have been laying on this cold floor. Hongjoong takes off his hoodie and wraps it around Wooyoung who is resting against his body with his eyes closed.

Hongjoong places a small kiss on Wooyoungs head and whispers "Why did you push yourself like that. You are perfect baby and you've always worked hard enough." Wooyoung snuggles closer and whispers "I- I wanted to do better, work harder and just be good enough". "Wooyoungie, you are good enough. I promise. You work so hard and we all know that. I'll always be proud of you my angel." Wooyoung smiles and whispers a soft "Thank you".

An hour has passed by now and Hongjoong decided sitting on this cold floor wasn't going to make Wooyoung or him feel better. So with all the strength combined they made their way back to their dorm room.

Wooyoung lays down on their bed and Hongjoong smiles slightly. "Let me help you undress baby and put on something more comfortable." Wooyoung blushes and sits up undressing and sliding on his sweatpants. "No no I don't want to wear my shirt. I want your hoodie" Hongjoong laughs as he grabs the hoodie he was wearing. "Will there ever be a time where you're gonna stop stealing my stuff?" Wooyoung chuckles "Hm I don't think so." He grabs Hongjoong and pulls him down beside him.

"I'm sorry about today. I never meant for any of this to happen and-" "Shh I know Woo. It's okay now. We're gonna get some rest and take it slow okay?" Wooyoung smiles and nods kissing his boyfriend softly. "I love you Joongie." "I love you more Woo."

A/N: I finally had some more inspiration to work out my story plot properly. If you have any requests, you can still leave them in the comment section or send me a message! Any tips or whatever are always welcome! Thank you so much for reading!

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