16. Yunho x Seonghwa

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Story plot: After making their relationship official, Yunho switched roommates so he could share a room with his boyfriend Seonghwa. He knows that Seonghwa loves cleaning and he tries to help wherever he can and wherever Seonghwa lets him. The last part is becoming a bit of an issue. Lately, Seonghwas cleaning habit is spiraling out of control and Yunho will do whatever he can to help his boyfriend slow down before things get worse.

Yunho is more aware than anyone else of Seonghwas cleaning habit. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but lately Yunho feels like it's spiraling a bit out of control.

When they started to share a room, things were just fine. He would be the one to dust off the shelves and Seonghwa would clean and sweep the floor. They would do it twice a week and that was more than enough. Yunho, being the sweet and adoring boyfriend he is, always made sure he cleaned up his mess after him. He knows how agitated Seonghwa can be if he doesn't do it, so it became a habit for him to clean up after whatever he'd be doing. On wednesday and friday they would clean the whole bedroom together. Yunho would ask if he could help and what he could do and that always worked out just fine.

The past few weeks have been filled up with intense and long days of practicing. The new choreographies are actually pretty difficult and very detailed.

As they all take a short break from the dance practice, Yunho walks over to his boyfriend and kisses him lightly on his lips. "Hyung, please don't tell me I'm the only one struggling to keep up with the choreography" Seonghwa chuckles "No I'm struggling too". 

But to Seonghwa it's not just feeling like he struggles with the choreography, it's different for him. He was really happy at their previous comeback when he finally got all the choreographies perfect, but the same feeling he had during the practice time back then is creeping up on him now. The feeling of not being in control and getting frustrated about it. He knows they're all working hard, but it's a constant feeling of losing control when he messes up a bit. Sure they all mess up parts since they've just started practicing, but it's hard for Seonghwa to feel like he isn't in control of a choreography. He knows there is only one thing in his life right now that he can control and that's cleaning. He can work on a schedule on when he wants to clean something. Coming up with that plan makes Seonghwa feel a bit more relaxed, but there is no way he's going to tell anyone about it. They'll probably think he's gone crazy or something like that and he doesn't want that. He's the oldest and he feels the responsibility to be a good role-model. Someone who needs a cleaning schedule to feel good is not a good role model he thinks to himself.

"Alright shall we practice a little more and then go back to the dorms?" Hongjoong asks and they all nod. During dance practice Seonghwa just can't keep up. Thoughts are consuming him and he can't seem to focus. Hongjoong notices and decides it's enough practice for today. "We'll continue tomorrow. I think we could all use some rest." He smiles and everyone happily agrees.

Yunho is laying down in bed while Seonghwa is sitting by the desk, working on the schedule. The feeling of being in control is growing with each word he writes down. Setting this up makes him feel calm and relaxed. Yunho gets up from the bed wrapping his arms around his boyfriends neck kissing the top of his head "What are you still working on hyung? You need to rest too gorgeous". Seonghwa quickly shuts his notebook shut and looks up as two lips softly press down on his. "Hm nothing important babe, do you wanna cuddle?" Yunho smiles as nods as they make their way over to the bed, slide into it and cuddle until they both drift off to sleep.

The next three weeks of practice, Seonghwa is a lot more focused. Not because the choreographies are easier, but because he knows what he can do when they get back to the dorm. Now that his focus is back, the dances are becoming easier for him as well.

Meanwhile Yunho isn't focused on the dances. He's really worried about his boyfriend, but he doesn't want to talk to the other members about it since Seonghwa might not like that idea. They never clean up together anymore, because Seonghwa became very precise on how things should be cleaned. "I'd rather clean up alone" he said and Yunho didn't want to argue about that at the time. He wishes he did though, because things are not okay.

Once they get back to the dorms Yunho takes a hot shower. How do I bring up this sensitive subject? I don't want to hurt his feelings, but the way he's been cleaning lately is just unhealthy. Who cleans the inside of the closet 4 times a week?  Who sweeps the floor at least 2 times a day?  Yunho sighs as he turns the shower off and slides into his pyjama.

When he gets back into their room he can't believe what he's seeing. Seonghwa is ironing every piece of clothing you can possibly iron. "Seonghwa hyung we need to talk" "Can it wait? I'm almost done. Just two more shirts!" Yunho nods as he sits down on the bed waiting for his boyfriend to finish. He didn't know you could feel uncomfortable in your own bedroom, but ever since Seonghwa started cleaning so much, he's scared to touch anything.

Seonghwa jumps down next to him "What do you want to talk about?" "I uhm, I want to talk about you babe" Yunho says as he looks up at his boyfriend. "Gosh I don't know how to put this. I'm worried about you hyung, really worried. I know you like everything neat and clean and that's okay! I don't want to offend you or anything it's just that. Lately you've been cleaning a lot more than usual.." Seonghwa looks down. He knew this wouldn't go unseen "Look.. I'm sorry if it's scaring you.. I never even meant for you to find out honestly". "But why baby?" "Because the new choreographies are really hard and I just felt like I was losing control. I get really anxious and everything so I made up a cleaning schedule to give me some sort of control.. But I get that it's getting a bit out of control isn't it?" Yunho smiles sadly as he pulls his boyfriend in for a hug "Yeah it is.. Maybe we can try to find something else? I mean I nearly got them all in my head right now. We can dance step by step here in our room if you want. Then you don't feel like you're failing or losing control when we have practice" Seonghwa smiles at he looks up at Yunho kissing him softly. "Next time you're not feeling okay, you turn to me okay you idiot? Instead of battling with your emotions all by yourself" Seonghwa blushes as he nods "I'm sorry, I promise I will do that next time. Did I ever tell you how amazing you are?" "About a hundred times. But you're just as amazing babe" Seonghwa smiles and they cuddle for the rest of the night. Giving Seonghwa a much needed break from all the cleaning.

A/N: Do I upload often enough or do you guys want me to upload less often? I'm now sticking to one upload every day. I'm writing oneshots in advance to make sure I can at least upload daily. Also, PLEASE give me feedback if my oneshots are shitty or if you like them so I know what writing style and plots I should stick to.

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