46. San x Yunho

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Story plot: Yunho is really nervous about making breakfast for the others and San knows. Being the supportive boyfriend, San decides to wake up early to help Yunho preparing the breakfast.

It's the night before Yunho's mission and all he's been doing so far is tossing and turning in his bed, overthinking the entire situation.

What if the whole thing burns? Or  what if it doesn't taste good? What if I don't have everything I need. I know I've checked it five times by now but just what if you know. Damnit I should have gotten up early at least a few times to help Seonghwa prepare breakfast because I have no idea what I'm suppose to be doing.

Why on earth would they pick someone that hasn't even made fried eggs in his life prepare a breakfast for 8 people? I don't even know where to start.

He sighs as he looks at the door. Everyone seemed to be able to succeed their mission with the support of someone else. Wooyoung went along with Yunho, Hongjoong supported Yeosang. Yunho does feel left out at this point. His biggest wish his for his boyfriend to help him out tomorrow, but San didn't say anything. All he said was "Yeah good luck tomorrow morning, I'll see you at breakfast sunshine." So basically that was a rejection for any help.

He closes his eyes again and tries to sleep through the night, even though he just ends up dozing off and waking up every 5 minutes or so.

As his alarm goes off that morning he groans and shuts it off. He doesn't want to get up. He wants to stay in bed and sleep, but he can't. He pushes himself out of his bed, checks himself in the camera before dragging himself downstairs.

He's holding his little notepad with the instructions and ingredients for today's breakfast. San helped him to write it all down so he could just follow the steps in the morning without making as mistake.

Yunho reaches the bottom of the stairs he searches for the lightswitch on the wall. He manages to turn on the lights only to reveal his boyfriend already sitting on the couch. "Good morning." 

Yunho just stares at him for a second as his brain is trying to process what's going on. "G- good morning. What are you? I thought. You weren't. And now." San laughs as he gets up from the couch and makes his way over to his boyfriend in his pyjamas.

He wraps his arms firmly around his boyfriends waist and smiles up at him. "Did you really think I would just leave you hanging with a notepad in the morning?" Yunho, who is still startled just nods. "Ow I'm sorry precious. I would never ever leave you hanging. I know it's your first time cooking and I knew you were nervous so I got up extra early to wait for you so we can do it together."

"I swear Sannie! When you told me you'd see me again when breakfast was ready I lost all my hope in you being here to help me!" Yunho says as pouts. San chuckles and stands up on his tiptoes to kiss Yunho's little pout. "I was just messing with you. I'm sorry babe."

"I barely slept because I was so scared!" San just stares at him. "Oh no I didn't know you were that nervous to cook! I thought you'd be okay since we wrote it all down ohmygod I'm so sorry." San wraps his arms around Yunho's neck to kiss his little pout again. "Will you forgive me?" San looks into Yunho's eyes who finally cracks a small smile again. "Of course I forgive you. Let's get some breakfast for everyone!" 

San smiles as they make their way into the kitchen. Yunho opens his little notebook and starts grabbing all the ingredients that are on the list. "Honestly, do you think we should be more thankful towards Seonghwa hyung sometimes for always making us breakfast and dinner?" Yunho says as he sets everything he needs down on the kitchen island.

San looks up from his phone and nods in agreement. "Yeah definitely. We always kinda take it for granted because he always makes sure we eat enough. Maybe if we go back to our dorm in Korea we should gather the others to write him a cute little letter to show how thankful we really are." 

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