9. Yunho x Jongho

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Story plot: When Yunho met Jongho he knew one thing for sure; Jongho was the guy of his dreams. He was like a small little happy fighter. His presence alone made the butterflies in Yunho's tummy go crazy. But no one seemed to understand. They all say they're too young to call this "true love". But they don't know about the things they do, they don't know about the I love yous. If they only knew, they would be jealous of them.

Yunho and Jongo decided to stay at the dorm to cuddle instead of going out with the other members. Yunho sighs as he stares blankly at the movie they're trying to watch. "Do you think they'll ever understand? Like us I mean. I feel like they're avoiding us and the whole dating thing. They never ask how are night out was, even though we always ask them you know." Jongho looks up at his boyfriend and kisses him softly "Yeah I get what you're talking about it. Maybe they just need to get used to it. I mean no they weren't very supportive when we told them we were dating, but it's a big thing for them as well." "It's just frustrating. I feel like we need to be conscious all the time. Making sure we're not too clingy with each other. But maybe you're right. Maybe they just need time to get used to it." Jongho smiled as he climbed on top of his boyfriend. "Yeah, but we're alone now. So we can kiss as much as we want without having to worry about one of them seeing us." Yunho smiles and pulls his boyfriend closer to kiss him again. Yunho brushes his fingers through Jonghos hair licking his lips to ask for permission. Jongho let him and the subtle kiss soon turns into a more passionate one. Jongho places his hand on Yunhos cheek as they kiss for what feels like hours. 

Jongho is the first to pull away and catch his breath "I love you" "I love you too" Yunho smiles as he pulls his boyfriend down in his arms. The movie continued to play in the background as both boys start to drift off to sleep.

It was late at night when they other members arrived causing Yunho to wake up. He decided to stay on the couch since Jongho was sleeping deeply.

"Can you believe they actually choose to stay here instead of coming with us?" Wooyoung asked. "It can't be that serious right?" Hongjoong stated. "They're young, let them be." Yeosang said. "Do you really think they will be together forever?" Seonghwa asked and San replied "No, this isn't true love."

Yunho couldn't believe it. So this is how they felt about them being together. He shakes Jongho and speaks softly "We're leaving. Now." "Hm? Why?" "I'll explain it later." Jongho sits up as Yunho gets up from the couch feeling angry, upset and hurt at the same time. "If that's how you guys feel, we're out! And don't come at us with sorries right now. I heard every fucking word!" 

The others members stare at Yunho "Yunho we're-" "Oh shut up!" Yunho grabs Jongho's arm and storms upstairs to grab some of their stuff. "What's going on?" "I'll tell you. We need to leave first. You don't wanna be around them." As they packed some important belongings they made their way out of the door. "And don't try to follow us!" Yunho calls for a cab as they get in. "Please take us to the nearest and best hotel."

Jongho grabs Yunhos cheeks "Okay you need to talk to me now. What. Is. Going. On?" Yunho felt a tear escape from the corner of his eye. "They came back. Probably thinking we'd be asleep in our rooms. But I heard everything they said! That we're not being serious because we're young and that we can't last forever." Yunho sobs as his boyfriend pulls him closer. "Yunho baby, we know better right? Yeah maybe we're young but they don't know how we feel. They don't know how happy we make one another. If they knew, they would be jealous baby. We got each other." Yunho nods as the loving words from Jongho calm him down.

"I'm not planning to go back Jongho I'm not." "Babe, let's go back and talk this out with them. We keep avoiding the confrontation and that's not gonna solve the problem." Yunho sighs "Fine. But they should do the talking because it's their fault!" "Sshh I'm sure they will babe let's just go okay?" "Okay."

Once they get back in the dorm, all the members are sitting on the couch. They were talking about how what they did wasn't right and were trying to come up with a plan to find them. Wooyoung jumps up as he hears them walk in but Hongjoong pulls him down "I don't think they're in the mood for hugs right now Woo." "Hey guys" Hongjoong says as he looks at them.

Yunho and Jongo look at them as they intertwine their fingers "Hey".

Hongjoong looks at the other members, assuming they aren't going to start off this conversation. "Look. I know you guys must be really mad at us and you have all the rights to be. What we said was not okay and we're not asking you guys to forgive us right now."

"But we do want to apologize" Seonghwa continues "We need some time to get used to the fact that you two are together as a couple and not just as friends. But what we said was really hurtful and we shouldn't have said it."

"We really want you guys to be happy. It really seems like you two make each other so happy and that's the most important thing." Wooyoung says.

Mingi nods. "Yeah we're so sorry about what happened. We really want to try to make it up to you guys but we just don't know how."

"We wanted to go out for dinner tomorrow and we'd really love you guys to come with us. Not pretending to be friends but just as yourselves. The beautiful couple you guys are." Yeosang says.

"Please don't feel like you have to hide who you are from us. We love you guys so much as we hope we can make this okay again somehow." San continues.

Jongho and Yunho look at each other and smile "GROUP HUG!" As they all wrap their arms around the lovely couple. "I'm sorry we stormed off like that. We'll give you guys the time to get used to this different relationship. We can't change who we are but we do understand it might change the group dynamics and everything. As long as we can just be ourselves around you guys, we're happy." "And you can! Please!" They all laugh and stand there, hugging each other tightly.

A/N: Sorry this was a shitty upload.

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