36. Mingi x ATEEZ

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Story plot: When ATEEZ started, Mingi made a promise to himself that he wouldn't change. But somewhere along the road, things did start to change. He started to change. As they grew bigger, so did Mingis ego. All the other members notice the negative changes in his behaviour and decide it's time to talk to him to bring back the old Mingi.

Mingi was always a really down to earth guy. Someone who wouldn't change just because he's famous. That was a promise he made to himself when they debuted.

No matter how much fame we'll gain from this. I'll always stay true to myself.

And that seemed to go just fine for the first 4 months or so. They got to do a lot of amazing stages and promotions, but he'd always be himself.

When they all started dating Mingi, that's the thing they loved the most about him. He was just so pure, so unchangeable. 

But overtime something started to change, and not in a positive way. Mingi started to show up late for rehearsals because he slept in, he started wearing expensive jewelry and designer clothes only.

That last part was the most painful to Hongjoong. He would always spend hours reforming clothes and Mingi used to love that. He'd give Hongjoong a shirt, a sweater or a pair of jeans knowing that his boyfriend would turn it into something special and exclusive. But lately he refuses to give him anything because he says it's not special enough.

Not special enough.. I thought you always used to love you exclusive jeans, jackets shirts and just anything I'd make for you.. What the hell is going on.. This is not the Mingi I know. It's not the Song Mingi that we know. Hongjoong thinks.

"I think I'm gonna throw this away." Mingi says as he's holding up a black denim jacket that he has maybe worn once. "Why?" Hongjoong asks as he looks up. "I'm just not getting that vibe from it anymore that I had when I bought it." "Mingi you've worn it like maybe two times? I really like it." "You do? Well you can have it." He throws it over to Hongjoong and continues to look in his closet.

"I can put like spikes on the shoulder! Maybe make a few little cuts here and there and make something cool on the back. Would you like that?" Hongjoong says as he's getting really excited to change up this jacket.

"Nah I'm good. You can do whatever you want with it. I don't want it anymore." Mingi says with a stone cold voice. "O- or I can like put changes on it so you will love it. What would you like?" Hongjoong asks carefully.

"Are you deaf? I said I don't want it anymore. So that means I also don't want it after you've done something to it." Mingi says without looking up. Hongjoong looks down at the jacket he's holding, not knowing what to say at this point. So instead of saying anything else, he just gets up and makes his way over to Yunho's room, knowing that he'll love a reformed jacket.

He knocks on the door and waits patiently for Yunho to open the door for him. "Hey come in!" Yunho says as he steps aside so Hongjoong can enter the room. Hongjoong sits down on his bed with the jacket on his lap. "Would you like me to reform this jacket for you?" He ask as he looks up at Yunho, who is standing in the room. "Yes! Don't tell me what you're going to do with it though! I love surprises!" He says and smiles. But his smile quickly fades away as he sees how Hongjoong just doesn't seem as happy and excited as usual.

He sits down beside him and looks at him. "Hey is everything alright?.. Usually you're all excited when you can work on reforming something.." Hongjoong fiddles a little bit with the jacket and looks up. "No.. Mingi tossed it over saying he doesn't want it anymore, not even when I reform it for him.." "But he has only worn this jacket like once or something?" "I know, I know. I don't know what has gotten into him, but I don't like it. It's not the Mingi we all started dating.."

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