Meeting Serene

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Oh, hey, it's nice to meet you. I guess the nice thing to do would be to describe myself to you, right?

My name is Serene. Serene Antonelli Deiry. And, yes, I am from Derry but there spelled different and my family doesn't own the small town that changes everything. But having that last name means I'll never really escape here. Except nobody really escapes Derry.

I stand 5'4, which makes me just shorter than Stanley. My blonde hair reaches down to below my shoulders. The brown eyes that I had gotten from my mother, and one of the only things I have to remember her by. It's hard these days to remember I still had one. If I had a dollar for every scar that runs my body I would have already been able to move out of Derry by now. 

I live in an apartment complex near Beverly's apartment. It had two bedrooms and one bathroom. There is a small room with a couch and t.v. The kitchen is slightly smaller than my own bedroom.

My best friends before everything happened consisted of Bill, Stan, Richie, and Eddie in other words the original Losers. They also happened to be the only family I really ever knew. You could also see me hanging out with Beverly when I wasn't listening to Richie talk to much. If the boys had known before that I had also been hanging with Bev when I wasn't with them I think Eddie would have had a brain aneurysm and Stan would have though I was possessed. But hanging with anybody would have been better than risking going home. 

I guess I should probably explain my home situation to explain some split ends. My mother died in a house fire while visiting a sick friend in New York. And yes she didn't go to commit and lie to me she had a legit reason it just happens that, that specific reason was horrendous. At the time I was five. My mother had been the only reason that my father was holding it together. When she passed all h*ll broke lose. How exactly?

It started small. It took about a year until things happened. Until he got sleep deprived and let's just say didn't have a women at his disposal, or at least that what he thought as he slowly walked to his six year olds room down the hall. He told me not to tell, and I didn't. He got drunk every day, sometimes he would do sexual things, other times they were brutal things. It depended on his mood. 

When I hit 12 and started to threaten with telling people about the things he started to hire different women almost every night. Sometimes he wouldn't come home, there were a few times I would go days without seeing him. On a few different occasions a week without a trace. Once he even went for a month. Time without him was amazing. But according to the boys I would act different and they could tell when he was gone. So they would have me stay with them for a night or bring food over.

I had every right to not want to see my father. But I knew getting him in trouble wouldn't do anything, he had his own ways. I had many ways to avoid him even if he did show up. There was a time Richie tried to talk to him. I was able to stop that before anything serious happened. 

I could go on and on about the things my dad has done so I'm just gonna say what happens with him now and get on with the summer of '89.

He gets drunk, a lot. I have to sneak into my own house through my bedroom window. He still brings up what he did to me as a child. He considers me as "his". He's never been afraid to hit me. He stands nearly a foot taller than me. Clearer than day he weighs nearly 150 possibly more than me. I would do anything to get away from him. I still to this day deadbolt my door, whether I went to sleep with him in the house.

On a good night I get about five hours of sleep in my own house. I manage to get mostly straight A's in all my classes. Doesn't mean school is my favorite thing in the world, it just got me away.

If you're gonna ask Bev and I do have a very similar past but her's is still going on, that's possibly why we got along so well in the first place. 

Okay, I have been talking to long and need to get a move on. Hopefully I didn't miss anything.

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