Entering the Well House

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The door loudly and slowly creaked open.  Bill and I stepped through the door first.

"Can't believe I pulled the short straw. You guys are lucky were not measuring d***s."

"Shut up, Richie." Eddie told him. Eddie wasn't wrong. You could tell the place was abandoned. Cob webs, it was all bad. It was the type of house straight out of a horror movie.

"I can smell it." Eddie told us.

"Don't breathe through your mouth." Richie told him.

"How come?" Eddie asked.

"Cause then your eating it." Eddie gagged at the words. I was looking around when I saw Richie start to walk to one of the part ways. He pulled a paper out of one of the massive cob webs.


"Serene! Serene!" I immediately ran to him. Bill close behind.

"What?" Bill asked. As Richie's hand shook with the paper.

"It-it says i'm missing." 

"Richie, it's not real. Your right here." I told him.

"Y-you're not missing, Richie." Richie started to scream about the accuracy of the details. But all i tried to do was over power him. We kept telling him it wasn't real. Even tried to take the paper. He wasn't budging.

Bill grabbed his hands and made Richie look at him.

"Richie, look at me. T-That isn't real. It's playing tricks on you." Richie's' eyes kept adverting around the three of us. But our attention quickly snapped to the voice coming from upstairs.

"Hello?" It was a small broken female voice. It continued and Bill slowly started walking around the corner. He grabbed my hand as I froze.

"You okay?" He asked me and I snapped my head in his direction.

"Yeah...I'm fine. Come on." I walked to his side. The four of us stood at the bottom of the stairs and listened to the scratching and the cries for help.

We etched up the stairs. Never taking our eyes off the direction of the noise. There was gasping and I was trying to decipher if it was from voice or Eddie gasping two people behind me.

We got halfway up. There was a empty area. This whole place was just cobwebs, and dirt. We didn't go up the other stair case. We walked into the open area. Where there was a hallway.

A door was open with a small girl laying on the ground. She coughed and looked at us with wide eyes.

"B-Betty?" Bill asked quietly.

"Holy s***." I whispered under my breath. It was. The girl that had been missing. The same girl I had helped few times before. There she was laying on the ground fighting for everything she had. She probably had no idea what was even going on.

"Ripsom." Richie finished the sentence. Before we could even take a step closer to her, her scream rung through our ears as she was drug away. We all gasped and stepped back. I could feel Eddie grab my back.

I walked out of Eddie's grasp with the other two boys as we slowly walked to the open door.

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