So you guys are stalkers now?

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The stereo was getting louder while I pulled the shirt down. I pushed my way through the woods as I listened to the music. I could see the outlines of the body's. I thought about scaring them except when I went around the corner, prepared to jump out, I saw them all looking at Bev while she layed out and tanned.

 I cleared my throat and Bev rolled towards the boys. They all looked away as quick as they could. I almost bust a gut laughing. That was better than scaring them. 

"Can't take these boys anywhere." I whispered to myself.

"Serene, get out from behind the rock, right now." I scoffed and walked out from behind.

"You do not tell me what to do, Eddison."

"That isn't even my name!"

"Well, congrats I gave you a new name. Your welcome." Bev layed on her stomach, Eddie went to sit by Stan, I stood in between the boys and Bev, and Richie dug around in Ben's backpack.

"News flash, Ben, school's out for summer."

"Oh, that, that's not school stuff." Richie pulled out a post-card.

"Who sent you this?"

"No one." Ben quickly retrieved the card and put it back in his bag before anybody could see. Then Richie took a whole folder out of the bag.

"What's with the history project?" Eddie asked.

"Oh, well, when I first moved here, I didn't really have anybody to hang out with. So I just started spending time in the library." Richie handed the folder to Bill.

"You went to the library? On purpose?" Richie asked. I could hear Bev standing up behind me.

"Oh, I want to see." She sat next to Bill. All Bill could do was sit there gaping his mouth open. I motioned for him to hinge his jaw back into place or he would start to scare her. He did just that.

"What's the black spot?" Stan asked.

"The black spot was burned down years ago by that-" I stopped listening to Eddie. I guess you could say to be the best friend of the situation. It was my turn to be like Beverly and look out for her and her decisions. It took awhile but Bill looked at Bev. Except Ben was right behind him.

"You-You're hair-" He wasn't saying anything. Oh, no, this can't be happening. She would just have to understand.

"You're hair is beautiful, Beverly." It wasn't Bill, because it was Ben. Of course it was because of my poor guys Bill. Now he would be down on himself and I would have to but ice cream.

Beverly tucked whatever hair she thought she was tucking in behind her ear.

"Oh, right, thanks." The look Bill was giving Ben was priceless I mean phew I wanted to laugh and pat the poor kid on a shoulder and say "next time". 

They continued in silence until Richie asked for the folder back.

"Why is is all murders and missing kids?" Richie asked.

"Have you not been paying attention to the town you've been living in forever?" I asked him half mockingly.

"Derry's not like any town I've been in before. They even did a study once and it turns out people who die here or disappear is six times the national average." Bill glanced at me and I knew exactly why. His eyes were kind of misty and I took a deep breath, for the both of us.

"You read that?" Bev asked.

"And that's just grown ups. Kids are worse, way, way, worse. I've got more stuff if you want to see it." Eddie quickly shook his head back and forth. Bill looked at me again and looked as if he might explode. 'you need to take a deep breath' I mouthed to him and he looked away.

"Did you put a shirt on because you felt uncomfortable?" Richie asked.

"No, Rich, I just felt like putting my shirt back on." I told him.

"You never put your shirt on 100 feet within the quarry." He stated.

"Richie, I just felt like putting a shirt on. Is that okay with you?"

"Did Stan say something? Were you uncomfortable because this is the first time we went swimming and you were both aware of the other persons feeling?" I scoffed.

"Obviously not, Richie. I'm pretty sure you witnessed what happened."

"Then it was Ben and Bev."

"It wasn't Bev."

"How do you know?"

"Because, Rich, she knows." He looked like he might question it but he decided otherwise.

"Then it was Ben and you can't change my mind."

"Richie, nobody made me feel uncomfortable except myself."

"I can't do an initiation on you, that's like if you broke your own rules."

"Your rules, not mine."

"Okay, whatever. But you have nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. You used to love your scars, most of the time."

"I don't know, Rich, they just-I don't know-They feel different."

"Well, duh there gonna feel different. But I notice whenever a new one appears your always a shut door about it. But there always gonna be there and you that. I mean we all love you with or without the scars. There just a page of your story."

"I don't know what's wrong with you, and I will find out, but I'm not gonna complain about it." I embraced him and then we hopped on are bikes back to town.

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