Bloody Bathroom

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I ran ahead of the boy and saw Beverly sitting on the stairs with a cigarette.

"What the h*** happened? Do I need to beat his ass?" She scoffed.

"No, let's wait for the others. What the h*** happened to your leg, and your wearing shorts?"

"It's summer. My scars and s*** can show and anybody who gets caught staring can have there a** beat. Besides the losers." I sat next to her on the stair and we waited for the others.

"Was my dad at your house?" I sighed at her.

"Yeah, did you see him?"

"Did he touch you?"

"Nah, it was just one of those yelling days." She nodded her head understandingly.

Once we heard them bickering we ran down the stairs.

"Couldn't wait five seconds, Ser!" Richie yelled at me. All of the losers dropped there bikes and looked at Beverly.

"I need to show you something."

"What is it?" Ben asked. 

"More than we saw at the quarry?" Richie asked and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Shut up. Just shut up Richie." Eddie quickly yells at him.

"My dad will kill me if he finds out I had-I had boys in the apartment." Beverly told them and they all twiddled there thumbs.

"She's not wrong. It's just like my house and you guys know how that is, except you Ben." He shrugged him shoulders and smiled.

"W-We'll leave a lookout. Richie,s-s-s-stay here." The boys layed down there bikes and Richie threw his arms in the air.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What if her dad comes back?" We all made it to the stairs. When Stan looked back.

"Do what you always do, start talking." We turned away from him

"It is a gift." We were already going up the stairs.

"Ser, what if I told you that you looked really nice today?" I looked back and sarcastically stuck out my lip.

"Richie, I look good everyday. And no I'm not staying out here with you." I told him.

"That is true, you look amazing every day." I rolled my eyes and we continued up the stairs.

"Suck-up." I muttered under my breath.

I stood in the front with Beverly and Bill. I wanted to lead but we were in the hallway to the bathroom. Not like I've had the most perfect experience in this house.

"You've been here before, haven't you?" Eddie asked me.


"Ser, you can go back to R-R-Richie." It was Bill and he was eavesdropping. 

"I'm not going back."

"Do you want my inhaler?"

"No, Eddie, I don't want your inhaler."

"Hey!" Bill whispered at me and tucked his left hand under my chin.

"Yeah, Bill?" He stuck out his right pinkie. And I interlocked mine into his.

"Side by side." I whispered under my breath.

"I-I-I can't hear you."

"Side by side." I raised my voice and it wavered with each word.

"Til the end of t-t-time. Serene, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, okay." I nodded my head.

We walked around the corner. Beverly hung back. But Bill stepped in front of her. The rest slowly stopped behind us.

"In there." Beverly told us. Yes, the closed door down the dark creepy hallway.

"What is it?" Stan asked.

"You'll see." Oh, yes not scary at all. 

Eddie started to say something more about infections but the siren in my head was starting to overpower. Bill led us to the bathroom and I kept my right hand close to the back of his arm. Bill opened the door to the bathroom and it was all red. Everything covered in blood. There wasn't a centimeter of the bathroom not covered in red sticky ooze.

Eddie shuddered loud enough to cover for all of us.

"I knew it." He exclaimed and gagged.

"You see it?"

"Yes." Eddie harshly whispered.

"It'd be kinda hard to miss." I gulped at the end of my sentence.

"What happened in here?" Stan asked.

"My dad couldn't see it. I-I thought I might be crazy."

"Well, if your crazy. Then we're all crazy."

"We c-can't leave it like this." There was long silence and Bill stepped into the bathroom. I looked at Beverly.

"Why didn't you call me?" 

"I can see you were having your own issues." She told me.

"Yeah, she had a lot going on. She was all around town, I barely found her." I glanced at Stan and he gave me his puppy dog eyes. Beverly was going to say something but I walked into the bathroom after Bill.

It took awhile. But you get enough people going it can happen. With only a few breaks to calm Eddie down and reminding Stan that not everything had to be perfect.

I was about to walk out of the apartment when I saw Bill and Beverly talking in the bathroom. Yes! Yes! Yes! I danced and jumped all the way down the stairs. I was happy up until I saw Ben sulk out. Oh, this triangle. Is it really a triangle if one is being completely friend-zoned?

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