The Quarry

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Richie finally spit the lugie out after sitting there clearing his throat forever. Slowly I back away from the four boys in there tighty whiteys. It wasn't fair, I don't get why I can't participate in spitting and I can't even jump first. The rest of the boys took there turn and Richie gave a small comment to each one.

It was finally after Eddie that he said a full sentence.

"Oh, my god. That was terrible. I win!"

"You won?" Eddie asked. His mind was set to where he clearly won.

"Did you see my lugie?"

"Can I please just jump?" I whispered to Bill.

"N-No, you always go f-f-first."

"That's not even fair, Bill."

"It's just the r-r-rules."

"You mean the rules you made up so I wouldn't show you up?" I rolled my eyes and stepped back.

"Who cares how far it goes. It matters on how cool it looks like it's green, or it's white, or juicy and fat."

"Alright, who's going first?" Bill asked and I rolled my eyes at them. I rolled my eyes at all of them. The boys all stared at the water for a second.

"I'll go!" We all turned to Beverly setting her bike down and taking off her cover.

"Bev gets to go first, doesn't she, Bill?" I asked him cockily and he punched me in the arm. But in that moment Bev held a hand out to me and she ran towards us.

"Sissy's." She stated as she grabbed my hand and the boys split so me and Bev could run through. Are feet pushed off the edge of the rock and me pummeled towards the water.

"What the f**k?!" Was the last thing I heard before me and Bev met the water. Are hands never broke apart as we re-surfaced the water.

"Come on!" Beverly called to the boys while they stood on the rock questioning there life decisions. I knew clear and well that Richie's previous statement had been "we just got showed up by a girl" and he was referring to Bev. Because one thing Richie Tozier liked to do was declare me a male, because it's just what he did. Unless it was some things. Then I would be his "little baby girl".

One by one each of the losers had jumped off the rocks.

The quarry was always the one thing that meant the world to us. These memories were gonna be the ones to hold. We all stayed mostly in a circle as we splashed and sprayed each other.

Chicken fights were involved. Swimming across the quarry, even Eddie attempting to drown Richie.

I looked over to see Bev and Bill sharing a moment of looking. Now I know what she meant when she could tell everything just by looking at the way me and Stan look at each other. I'm not saying that we do though! No, that would be crazy!

I smiled at the two but it slowly faded when I saw the way Ben looked at the each of them. My face was hit by a spray of water. I blinked it out but before I could do anything Richie was shoving me backwards into the water. He was pushing me under by the face, I hope he didn't think it would be that easy. I grabbed him by the side of the head and pulled him down.

We had a solid 45 seconds of fighting and not taking a breath of air. It would have gone longer if I hadn't been pulled back. I tried to see who had grabbed me but I still couldn't see. When I re-surfaced I took a deep breath and inhaled way to much water than normal. 

"Just breath." It was Stan. He turned me around so we were facing each other. Slowly he pushed the hair out of my face and his hands gently rested on the side of my face and my hands wrapped around his neck. It took a few seconds but the water was out of my esophagus. Plus now I could breath and see.

"You know I didn't expect you to change your hair but now that I'm seeing it I love it. I truly do. Although I am surprised you went through with the decision." 

Stan was laughing the whole time while I was trying to function like a normal human being.

"You know, we are here to have fun, not see which one of you can hold your breath the longest, while fighting, without drowning."

"I almost beat the a**hat." He smirked.

"I'm sure you had him right where you wanted him. At least that's what I saw while the water was flying around everywhere. I have to be honest when me and Eddie reached into the water to separate you I wasn't sure if Richie was gonna right hook me or if you were gonna bite me."

"It's all part of the gig."

"Is that what you call it?"

"Actually it's called BRTA."

"Do I even want to know what that means?"

"Since you asked. Beat Richie Tozier's A**, it's an organization that just became public. But it has been a thing for many years. And it will be for many more." Stan laughed laughed and slowly leaned his forehead on mine.

"Just like Stan and Serene!" Eddie called out. I smiled and kept my forehead close to his. I f***ing hope Eddie was right. 

It was in that moment that Richie jumped at us and sprayed water. One of his arms wrapped around Stan's neck and the other around mine. He leaned his forehead in between are's.

"Man, I love you, guys!"

"We love you, too, Richie."

"This is one of the proudest moments in my life." Richie stated as if he were a single father watching his daughter walk down the many stairs on her way to her senior prom.

"Rich, I'm about to roundhouse your a**."

"You mean-"

"Round two." I finished your sentence but Eddie had others ideas. He did the same thing as Richie except on the opposite side. All of are foreheads leaned together. I kinda felt bad, because we had left the love triangle out. But this was a Richie, Eddie, Stan, and Serene moment.

"Losers forever." Eddie stated.

"Losers forever." The rest of us chimed in.

"You think there staring at us?" I asked the boys and we all giggled.

"10/10 chance." Stanley responded through his giggle fit. We slowly slipped away from each other and went back to the others. Acting like nothing had happened. Like ninjas.

"Ah, f**k!" Richie exclaimed.

"What was it?" Eddie asked.

"Something just touched my foot. Right here." The four of us put are heads under and didn't see anything. We each kept looking.

"Right here! Right here!" Richie pointed right under my feet.

"Ah, h**l nah." I half whispered half didn't. I quickly jumped on Richie's back and climbed up higher so my knees were by his shoulders.

"I think imma look from here." I pointed around me. Bill came back up and wiped his face.

"It's a turtle." He told us and pointed near Ben.

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