New kid on the block

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"It's great that were helping the new kid, but we also need to think about are own safety. I mean he's bleeding all over and you guys know that there's an AIDS epidemic right now as we speak, right? My moms friend in New York got it just by touching a dirty pole in the subway. The AIDS blood got into her system and we're hanging.-

"And-And-you can amputate legs and arms. But how do you amputate a waist!? You guys do know that alleys are known for dirty needles that have AIDS, right? You guys do know that?" 

"Eddie. shut up!" I screeched at him from across the alley. We set are bikes up and Ben sat on a container.

"Richie, Ser, wait here. Come on." Bill, Eddie, and Stan ran down the alley into the drug store.

"You're lucky you found us, you know that right?" I asked him.

"You were the girl with Beverly, right?" He was blushing and I looked up at Richie. He gave me the "you were with who?" look.

"Yeah, I guess I was, I was just wishing her a happy summer." Both the boys shook there heads and I gulped.

"Glad I got to meet you before you died." Richie told Ben. Ben looked at him like he might have been crazy.

Stan came running out before the other boys. He ran to me first. I noticed him glancing around to see who was all watching. Richie was throwing rocks and Ben was nearly passed out. Stan pulled out and ice pack from behind him.

"It's for you, there's only one way to keep the swelling down." We each gave a small laugh.

"Stan, you didn't have to." His eyes found a rock on the ground and he left his head down and rolled the rock back and forth with his foot.

"It just seemed like the right thing to do." I put a hand under his chin and tilted his head upward so he was looking me in the eyes. 

"Thank you." I told him and leaned in. I gave him a small kiss on the cheek when the other boys came over with the supplies.

"Just suck the wound." Richie told Eddie like it were obvious.

"I need to focus right now." Eddie told him slyly.

"Eddie, let me help." I told him.

"I got this, I'll-It's okay, it's gonna be fine."

"You need to focus?" Richie asked him.

"Will you give me something? Jesus." Eddie asked. I was kneeling next to him on the right of me Stan stood and on the left of Eddie was where Richie stood.

"What do you need?"Richie asked.

"Get me my bifocals." What the f**k were bifocals?

"What's bifocals?" Richie asked.

"There in my second fanny pack." This kid has another fanny pack.

"Why do you have to fanny packs?" Stan asked.

"Well, I need to focus right now-"

"Oh, he's bleeding. Oh my god!" Stan exclaimed.

"You have to suck the wound before you apply the bandage, this is 101." This was Richie's way of thinking he was right. Key word, thinking.

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"Are you okay, that looks like it hurts?" I turned and jumped when I saw Beverly. I jumped into Stan's legs, he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, no, I'm good. I just fell." He sat up like nothing were wrong.

"Yeah, right into Henry Bowers." Richie informed her.

"Shut it, R-Richie." Bill warned him. I rolled my eyes these boys I swear to god are they most gullible people ever.

"Why, it's the truth?"

"You sure they got the right stuff to fix you up?" Beverly weirdly said it and Ben blushed and turned his head only to look right back at her.

"You know w-we'll take care of him, thanks, again, Beverly."

"Sure, maybe I'll see you around."

"Y-Y-Yeah we were thinking of going to the q-q-quarry, tomorrow, if-if you want to come."

"Good to know, thanks." She nodded at me and I nodded back. Beverly waved as she walked away. Eddie and I quickly up and brushed are hands off.

"Yeah, nice going bringing up Bower's in front of her." Stan scolded Richie.

"Yeah, you heard what she did." Eddie reminded Richie.

"What'd she do?" Not what the boys, that's what.

"More like, who'd she do? From what I heard the list is longer than my wang." Richie grabbed himself and I rolled my eyes at him.

"That's not saying much." Stan stated.

"Their j-j-j-just rumors." Bill reminded them all before they lost there heads.

"And that's all they'll ever be." I told the boys.

"Anyway, Bill had her back in the third grade.-" Stan gave Bill the "proud" smile and the eyebrow raise.

"-They kissed in the school play, you can't fake that sort of passion. Now pip-pip and tally-o my good fellows. I do believe this good chap deserves the utmost attention. Get in there, Dr.K, and the assistant, too. Come on, fix him up." Now Richie was British and me and Eddie were kneeling down again.

"Why don't you shut the f**k up, Einstein, because I know what I'm doing and I don't want you doing the British guy with-"

"Suck the wound! Get in there!"

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