Good Morning Derry

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I woke up and stretched outwards. My feet slipped out from under the cover and I quickly pulled them back. I heard a small snore from the other side of the bed and nearly had a heart attack. My heart stopped racing when I remembered that Bev was the one sleeping by my feet, hopefully. 

Just to make sure it was I picked my head up and the other side of the blanket was pulled halfway up her face, but it was her. Bev had layed by my side but flipped the other direction. She tended to do this so she could have more blanket to pull over. Because like she had said "your shoulder span causes me to not have enough blanket to tuck and pull, but your feet on the other hand." That's exactly how she had said. And yes it did sound like she had a foot fetish. Except I said that and she punched my arm.

I rubbed my eyes and slipped out from under the blankets. My legs felt like jello as I took the first step. My arms raised and I yawned, yet again. My fingers laced through my hair but my heart stopped when they fell through the hair before they should have. I quickly pulled my hair over my shoulder but then it hit me and I remember.

"Jesus, how slow can a persons mind be in the morning?" I whispered to myself as I listened through the door. Nothing. Good. I unbolted it and walked into the bathroom. My teeth and hair were brushed without waking Beverly. Bonus points. But now I would have to walk in and get clothes. Yep, sounds pretty easy, to me. 

Being my quietest I was able to sneak in and out. I got to the bathroom and threw the clothes on. When I walked back to the bedroom all you could see was the white t-shirt while the red circle with the blue writing "SURF SHOP" in the circle.

I left a note for Bev saying where I was. The bolt locked with ease and the window opened without a noise. I climbed through and saw Richie standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"What the f**k?"

"Hey, babe!" I rolled my eyes and tried to see through the sun, wasn't going very well. I slowly made my way down the stairs and jumped off the last two. Richie gave me a big smile.

"Do you need something?"


"Are you okay?"

"Better than ever." Before I could say anything he threw a bag at me and I caught it.

"I got you a donut."

"What do you want?"

"Nothing! Am I not aloud to get my best friend a donut on this beautiful summer morning."

"Where the f**k is Richie? I want my Richie back."

"Well, then what the f**k happened to you? Looks like you got jumped." There was the Richie we all knew and wanted to love but had a hard time at it. Just kidding Richie was one of the most lovable people, most of the time.

"Do you like it? I just thought a bit of change would be good?" I ate half the donut while I was in between words.

"I love it. I'm glad you decided to cut it short. Ser, it just suits you."

"Dude, what the f**k you're gonna make me sick."

"This is what I get for being nice to you people."

"Rich, I love that you're being nice. To other people it would be suspicious. But to me I know that something happened."


"Rich, I'm your best friend, I gotta know when something is wrong. It's my job."

"I love you." He melted in my arms and I hugged him back.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened or just act like this all day? Because they'll all notice."

"Of course not! Let's go beat a b***h." I laughed a little to hard.


"I just feel like you're the only person I can trust and that means you're the only person that see's and knows both sides of me." Something really bad must have happened and it made my heart ache with pain and not-knowing.

"Rich, you know I'll love you. No matter how stupid you get." I smiled and he looked at me with glossy eyes. He jumped back into my arms and gave me a real, genuine hug. It wasn't often that Richie got like this. But when he did, like he said, I truly was the only person who saw it. It made me feel good that Richie trusted me this much to tell me everything, even if it is his feelings that he doesn't know why he's feeling them and he doesn't understand.

"I love you, Serene."

"I love you, too, Richie." We stood there for a second. I pulled back and put his head in my hands.

"Now, let's go beat those b*****s at everything possible." His smile grew as big as the sun.

"f**k yeah!" I polished off the donut.

"How come you didn't have a donut?" I asked Richie knowing he just wouldn't buy one for somebody else.

"I did buy one, but I ate it. Don't get me wrong I was going to eat one with you. But it just looked really good." I smiled at the ground.

"Oh, Richie Tozier, what are we gonna do with you?" I whispered to myself.

"Do I get to do another initiation?"


"There's a new member. Everybody needs to know the rules."

"You mean the rule you came up with."

"I'm just gonna take that as a yes."


"He needs to know."

"I'm sure he's not gonna say anything."

"Then it is a yes." He hopped on his bike and I hopped on mine.

"The thing is we could argue all the way, but it wouldn't change anything. You would still do it. And you are gonna do it anyway, aren't you?" He smirked as we pulled onto the street.

"Do you wanna know why I got the donut? Of course you do. All you had to do was ask. I got it as a your welcome gift. Because I got you and Stanley together finally. All these years of work and it finally payed off."


"You're welcome, Serene. Don't worry I love you too." He biked ahead of me.

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