I don't need it

10 1 3

I could only run down the streets of the small town so fast. It felt like it was taking forever. Normally I could get to my get away in a matter of minutes. But now in this moment it felt like I had been running for hours.

"You're gonna pass out, right here." I stopped and did a full 360 in complete fear. It wasn't until a few seconds after I realized that the words had come out of my own mouth. But I wasn't wrong, I could feel everything shutting down. 

But it had to be close. I continued running until I fell down, on my face. I rolled around and screamed in agony.

"Get up. Get up!" I screamed into the air. I rolled myself onto my stomach and pushed with everything in my body to get on my knees. I can't do this. I could just let go in the street right now. Everything would be over. The Loser's are done for anyways.

"Hey, kid! You okay?" I looked over to see a mid 30's man yelling my way.

"I'm good." I gasped out.

"Your laying in the middle of the road-Is that blood!" I quickly looked at the gravel and that was enough to get me on my feet. I looked at the other side of the street. Yes!

"Yeah, that's my house right there." He nodded his head and started to walk away. I booked it to the side of the house. 

"Alright, now you just can't fall." I grabbed onto the bricks and started to climb.

"It's only two stories." After 10 minutes I got to the top and pushed the window open. With everything that I didn't know I had I drug myself over the window sill and threw myself onto the ground. 

I rolled onto my back. The floor was cool and it felt like all the small problems were fading away. That was until I glanced at the bed next to me.

"What the f***!"

"Hey, Rich. How are you?" I gasped out. I started to cough hysterically. Richie went from being a sour p*** to jumping out the bed to raise my shoulders.

"I'm taking you to the hospital!"

"Your not taking me nowhere! I'm going to fix it right here, by myself. I didn't come to hear a speech about why I'm a dumba**, I came for my kit and I don't want to go home because I just came from the police station. I just wanted to find Georgie, but instead of helping with Bill I fed to it and now everybody hates each other. I ruined the Loser's club! All I wanted to do was find Georgie because he had so much life ahead of him. I should have been there! I was suppose to help, Bill told me that he didn't want to play with Georgie. One time! I told him that I would help but then I ended up in the river. I was suppose to be there! If it weren't for me Georgie would still be alive and the Loser Club wouldn't be f***ed up!"

"None of this is your fault and you don't even get to try and blame it on yourself!"

"Really how could this end better? How could any of this end better? Eddie can't even be around us! You fought Bill! Everybody left me, Bev, and Bill in the middle of the f***ing street! How does any of that sound okay?" I started to cough again. But it wasn't normal coughing, I was starting to cough blood all over myself.


"Hospital!" Richie ran out of the room and I heard him screaming at the phone. It all got so dizzy. Everything was a blur, until it was nothing.

"One...Two...Three!" I was being hoisted into the air. I looked around me and saw men carrying me out of the room. One of the men was talking with Richie.

"Richie. Rich. Richie! Richie! Richie! Richie!" 

"He's coming with, you need to calm down, for your safety." It was a female voice. I did my best to look and saw one women out of the other men. 

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