Night time Fears

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We put are bikes by the entrance of the church. Stan led me to his fathers office where we slowly ended up in the church of the basement. It looked like another office but it didn't feel that way.

Yeah, just a boy leading a girl into the basement of his fathers church. Nothing scary about that.

"There's a few cots in storage, I'm surprised there not pulled out." Stan said. But I questioned if he was actually talking to me or not.

This basement gave me creeps and I wasn't enjoying that at all.

Stan set out two cots in the corner of the room.

Then he grabbed a first aid kit out of the corner of the room.

"Are you gonna want help?"

"Nah, I should be good. Do you have to go practice the Torah or something?" I asked him in a sarcastic tone. I already knew the answer.

"Yeah, I'll practice upstairs out loud, trust me I already know you don't want to listen to stuff about-"

"I will on the day of." I told him and he smiled.

"Then I'll probably fall asleep with it falling on my face."

"That sounds like the worst game plan I have ever heard. Honestly. But have fun, I'm not gonna lie I'll probably be passed out by the time you come back down."

"That sounds more like you and a better game plan than me. Just call my name or come upstairs if you need anything." Stan left the room and I grabbed the kit.

 It felt weird to not be sitting on Richie's floor sewing myself up. It didn't happen easily but I was able to sew my leg shut and wrap it. Only with maximum pain. Slowly I layed down on the cot. I didn't lie to Stan as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

"Stan, are you okay, you look like your gonna cry?" My eyes jolted open as I saw Stan at the edge of the cot and Richie sitting in front of him. I couldn't see Stan's face but I could see Richie's and he was on the verge of tears.

My head was nearly completely covered except for my eyes and up. I glanced at the window and it was pitch black outside. What the h*** was Richie doing here. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Stan put his head in his hands.

I jumped to my knees and Richie looked at me.

"Good morning, s*** head." Stan turned his head towards me and his eyes were completely blood shot and the tears had already started falling. I knew exactly why Richie was here.

"Is it true?" His voice broke and my heart stopped and shattered in ways I didn't think it could. I looked at Richie and all he did was nod at me.

"Stan, I'm sorry. I don't know what to say." I told him and I started to gasp and lose my breath as I tried to come up with the right words.

"What the f*** is going on with are town?" We both looked at Richie and he shrugged his shoulders. I was still looking at Richie when I was attacked by a human body. I was pinned to the cot and I felt the hot tears hitting my skin.

"So what everybody is trying to say is that I almost lost my best friend?"Stan asked in between sobs.

"Yeah, Stan, that is what I just told you."

"Why wouldn't you talk to me, before going to the cliff, Ser?" Stan held a hand out signaling for Richie to join us. Of course Richie took the office as he layed down and wrapped his arms around the both of us.

"What time even is it?" I asked the boys.

"It's midnight. Richie walked through the door while I was practicing upstairs." Again the story was told through sobs.

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