I always lock the door

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Slowly, I got up the stairs. Slowly, that doesn't even compare to how long it took. I didn't even get the window open before I wanted to scream and jump. The door was wide open and everything layed...everywhere. My heart raced a million miles an hour. I chocked on my own spit. How? How! 

I've never opened the window quicker. Without hesitation I ran out into the hallway. My mind had never made a worse decision. His foot came down like a bag of bricks on my foot. 

"Ah, oh my, oh my god! Jesus f***ing Christ! Oh, that one f***in hurt a little.Ow!"

"That's what you get, you little b***h!" I looked up at him and everything in his face and movement said anger. There was a figure on the couch but, well what I did next wasn't instinct, but it was something. 

My right hand swung. And I had never seen his body hit the floor harder. 

"What did you do, you little brat!" Oh, that's who that was. I turned and sprinted into the room. I barely got the door shut before his body barreled into it. I heard the door frame creak but it stayed standing.

"Open this door right now, Serene!" Al, Al Marsh. Well that's what everybody called him, except me and Beverly. 

He continued to shove all his body weight against the door. I continued to stay up on my knees. For the split second the door was shut and my hand flew up and bolted it. 

"My daughter, do you like your room?" S**t he was okay. 

"F**k you!"

"I saw the opportunity. I haven't seen that door open in years. But it was fun to destroy the little world you think you can hide in."

"Don't forget that the two girls also hide and get boned by that group of boys."

"Shut the f**k up, Al."

"We all know it's happening."

"If you know what's best your gonna shut the f**k up."

"Is that a threat?"

"It's more like a promise."

"Well, we might as well get to the point. As to why my right-hand man, Al, is here. Serene, right. That seems like the best thing. Serene, why were you laying in the middle of the sidewalk? Hm, just gotta bring a little more attention to yourself? Is that it?"

"I don't have time for this bull." I stood up and walked to the window. I made my way through the window and had gotten all the way to the to the streets without anything anything.

I walked down the streets with my arms crossed. It was quiet, nothing was really going on. I groaned at the sharp pain but it slowly went away. 

"H-Hey, Ser!" My head snapped in the direction of the voice. When I heard the voice I realized what street I was setting foot on.

"Oh, hey, Bill." He walked towards me and nodded towards my leg.

"Y-You alright?"

"Yeah, Eddie, helped me out. I'm all good now."

"But, w-w-what happened?"

"Nothing, Bill, it was nothing but my own dumb mistake."

"Was it the B-B-Bower's gang?"


"It was c-c-called it."

"How does everybody just know?"

"Do I need to b-b-beat his a**?" I laughed and he did the same. 

"Nah, Bill, it'll be alright. Eddie wasn't freaking out the whole time, anyways."

"Eddie not f-f-freaking out at a w-w-wound? Imp-possible."He sarcastically rolled his eyes and we both let out a laugh.

"Oh, Serene, hey, what are you doing out and about?" My eyes adverted to Mr.Denbrough standing in the driveway.

"Oh, hey, Mr.Denbrough." I quickly said. He was not looking good, but I couldn't blame him. 

"You alright?" He asked quickly. He couldn't see my leg, he was onto me.

"Yeah, just taking a walk."

"Everything good at home?" Oh he definitely knew.

"It's home." He nodded his head and ducked into the car.

"Well, stay safe, kid. Don't be afraid to stop by sometime." I nodded my head at him. Me and Bill waited until he was back into the house to start talking.

"Wait, is s-s-something going on at the a-a-apartment?" He asked concerned.

"Nah, it'll be alright, Bill, nothing to worry about. I can tell you have enough on your plate as it is." I nodded towards the house and his head got heavy.

"Yeah, it's been a pretty rough past m-m-months."

"There's every reason for that." He got quiet. Bill's head stayed towards the ground when I wrapped my arms around him. His head dug into my shoulder as I heard him take a very deep breaths. I knew he was holding it all in. 

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." He nodded his head into my shoulder and I slowly pulled away from him.

"You think were gonna f-f-find him?"

"We gotta do what we have been doing. And keep are heads up, for Georgie." I nudged him as I said the last sentence.

"I should probably get back inside, o-only if you're gonna be okay." I nodded my head at him and scoffed.

"I'm gonna be fine, Bill." He put his hand out. Bill connected his right pinky to mine. He pulled both are hands up so they were right in front of are faces.

"Side by side-" I smiled at him as I said the sentence I had been saying for what felt like forever.

"T-til the end of t-time." Bill finished it. I quickly hugged him again. 

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow, Billy. Love you." I didn't wait for an answer before I started to walk down the street. 

I got closer to the main drag when I was stopped, again.

"Ser, my b***h!" I turned at the voice and smiled. 

"Trashmouth Tozier, my d***h**d!" He ran up to me.

"What are you doing out here?"

"I'm walking. But I think I should be asking you the same question." He looked back at the house in fear and I wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

"It's just better out here."

"If that's what you gotta do. I would offer for you to come back with me, but that would be a bad idea."

"Did he do that to your leg!?"

"No, this was Bower's."

"But your okay, though?" I nodded my head. It was the answer he needed in that moment.

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