What Happened?

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My shoulder were violently shaking when my eyes flew open. Immediately I thought the clown was back again. I flung onto my stomach and pushed my back into the corner. I felt the cold wall push against the walls but my feet kept pushing me back. 

"Ser! Serene!" I stopped kicking for a minute and Stan looked at me like he had just seen a ghost. But was it the real Stan? How was I supposed to know? I put my foot on his chest and he looked down on it. His mouth didn't dis-hinge like he was going to swallow it but he did look back up at me.

"How do I know it's really you?" He looked more confused and hurt more than anything.

"Really me?"

"Yes, really you."

"Can I show you?"

"Are you going to eat my face off?"

"What the h**l happened to you?" He sounded worried. Oh great now I'm going to an asylum. But I wasn't gonna die that easy.

"He was here, but you would know that, right?"

"What the f**k are you talking about? I just got here and found you laying on the bathroom floor, bleeding if I may mention."

"Tell me one thing that  happened before all the kids disappeared."

"Is this what it's gonna take you to believe me that it's me?" I nodded my head.

"If I like your answer." He sighed.

"I've known you nearly my entire life, the Loser's are the only people that make you feel safe. You would have never told me what happened at your house if I hadn't heard it and confronted you. You sobbed in my arms for hours after I brought it up. I've never left your side since I met you. And since that say I've known you were the one." I thought for a minute by looking at my foot on his chest. It felt almost to easy to slowly lower my foot off of his chest.

"I just hope you don't eat me." I chuckled while I watched the floor. 

It was sudden but I felt my chin being grabbed and in a split second Stan was pressing his lips against mine. I rested my hand on his chest.

He slowly back away and looked at me like I might slap him.

"You don't have to look scared, you're the one who kissed me." He smirked and sat back. I had my knees up and he sat in between them.

"It just seemed like you needed some more proof that it was your one and only." 

"Are you trying to sound like me now?" He laughed and his head rested on the bridge of my nose. He picked his head up and looked at me seriously.

"You know that you are bleeding, right?"

"It doesn't matter none."

"Do you want a rag or anything?"

"No. Can you just ask the question I know you're going to ask?" He nodded his head.

"I can. Serene, I want a straight answer of what happened in this apartment, no skipping details." I shook my head.

"I can do that. I woke up and the clown's hands were t-t-tight around my throat and I thought I was taking my last breath. I called him a p***y and he tightened them as hard as he could then he-he just jumped jumped into the closet."

"Into the closet?" He asked horrified. He was thinking about how he had walked by that closet to get here.

"Yes, the closet. Then I jumped out of bed and B-Bev was coming at me from the bathroom. I made it to the front door. Where I saw Richie. At least I thought it was Richie, or at least I hope it wasn't. It's also why I didn't think you were you. I ran towards my bedroom and the clown was there was Geor-Georgie. I tried to make it to the door as fast as I could but he just shut and bolted it with a flick of his wrist. I ran in here and slammed the door I must have tripped over my two feet."

"But you're okay, right?"

"Yeah, was there anything in the bedroom, though?"

"There was nothing that I saw. Unless I wasn't looking hard enough. Do you want me to go look again?"

"No, it should be fine. I can look later. We'll be able to see better in the light."

"Yeah, if you-" I put a finger up.

"Stan, be quiet for a second." He immediately stopped talking. We listened for a second and then we heard it. The window slammed shut and a small scream escaped from my room. Stan was on his feet quicker than I could pull him down.

"Stanley Uris, get back here." He turned around and looked at me. After sighing he walked and pulled me up.

"I need you to stay in this bathroom, until I give you the okay, do you understand?"

"I'm supposed to just let you leave while I wait here?"

"Actually that's exactly what I'm saying."

"There's no way that's happening."

"Who knows this house better?"

"Me, defiantly me."

"You wish. But seriously that could be anybody. Real or imaginary. And that is for me to figure out."

"Am I the only one that remembers that you were just attacked?"

"Oh, what are you talking about? Of course I remember, stupid, which is why I can't risking getting you hurt."

"Then maybe, shouldn't, we go together?"



"Because, I'm going to walk out this door to the bedroom, find out what it it. Then I'll knock on the door when we're in the clear. Do you comprehend?" He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this, right now." He whispered to himself and I smirked at him. I opened the door and slowly shut it behind me. The sound of pacing footsteps is the first thing my mind picked up. That's what I heard before anything. 

The figure was in front of the door.

"Hello?" I quietly asked. The figure snapped it's head in my direction.

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