Preparing for the sewers

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I got to Eddie's and Richie gave me a smile but was also protecting his face and d**k.

"Richie, you ok?" Eddie had asked him but then Eddie looked at me and nearly lost it. He had to take a puff off of his inhaler.

"My baby, my baby, are you okay?" He tried to get to my face but I stood on my tippy toes so he had a hard time with that.

"Just let me help you!"

"Eddie, I'm fine. Get off me."

"This is for the greater good!"

"Have you been watching to many movies again? If it will make you feel any better I'll take some pain killers." He quickly went to his fanny pack knowing this is the only time I'd allow him to play doctor. He pulled out a bottle and put four in his hand.

"Isn't that a bit much, Ed's?"

"Have you seen yourself?" I rolled my eyes and threw the pills down my throat.

"No water?"

"I don't need water, Eddie."

"As long as your okay."

"I'm fine." I walked to Richie.

"I can't tell if I should slap you into next week or thank you?"

"So, it went well last night?" Eddie stood next to Richie.

"Wait, what happened last night?" Eddie asked.

"I totally set Stan and Ser up last night." Eddie gasped and Richie looked proud of himself. The two of them standing next to each other looked like proud fathers. I scoffed at him. Actually I scoffed at the both of them.

"You did not, Richie." Eddie looked from each of us wildly confused.

"Then what did happen?" Eddie leaned closer to me. He reminded me of a toddler who wanted to know if the knight saved the princess from the dragon.

"He came to make sure I was okay. Waited until I fell asleep then he left." Richie scoffed at my story.

"That's what they all say."

"I'm not sure whether I-I-I should question what's going on o-o-or go along with it." I knew the voice immediately. 

"Hey, Bill!" Richie called out.

"I don't want to turn around do I?" I whispered to Eddie.

"Yeah, you probably don't want to, just keep looking this way." Eddie told me and Richie started to laugh.

"Bill is going to lose it!" Richie exclaimed to me.

"I-I-I'm right here, r-r-remember."

"Oh, Bill is going to be mad about this one, Ser!"

"Richie, shut up!" I felt Bill's hand on my shoulder as he turned me around.

"Serene!" He exclaimed.

"Called it!" Richie put a hand up but Eddie pushed it down. Bill looked at me horrified.

"W-w-what the h**l happened?" He asked me and I wasn't sure what to tell him.

"Bill, it's fine, I swear."

"T-t-this is not fine, n-n-not by me."

"But you're gonna have to deal with it, because it happened and I can't fix it." He hugged me and then let go.

"I-i-i may not be a-a-able to do anything, b-b-but I can still be here for y-y-you."

"Side by side."

"Till the end of t-time."

"Take everything but the delicious deals guys, my mom loves 'em. Hey, first you said the Baron's  and now you're saying the sewer. I mean, what if we get caught?" Eddie asked. Bill and Richie were packing bags full of food.

"We won't, the sewers are p-public works. We're the public, aren't we?" Richie walked behind us and opened a cupboard with what looked like 100 bottles of pills.

"Hey, Eddie, these your birth control pills?" Richie asked Eddie. We were all looking at Richie.

"Yeah, and I'm saving it for your sister. This is private stuff." Eddie closed the cupboard and the four of us walked to the door. Richie opened the door. Eddie put something else in his fanny pack.

"How much more can your fanny pack take, dude?" I asked him.

"As much as I'll put in it."

"Eddie bear." His mom called to him while we were about to walk through the door.

"Where are you kids off to in such a rush?" She asked us. Bill looked at each of us lost.

"Um, just my backyard Mrs.K. I got a new..."

"A new croquet set. Geez spit it out B-B-Bill." Richie saved the day. You know sometimes Bill's stutter does come in handy I will say.

"Okay. Oh, and Sweetie, don't go rolling around on the grass especially if it's just been cut, you know how bad your allergies can get." The way she looked at us scared me.

"Yes, Mom." Eddie tapped Bill's arm and we almost got out the door.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Oh, please, God, don't have anything to do with a fanny pack. Eddie sighed and then slowly walked to his mom. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. Richie snickered.

"Do you want one from me too, Mrs.K?" I let out of a small laugh and Eddie pushed the three of us out the door. He shut the door with a small.

"Sorry, Mommy."

We met up with Stan and then we were off to the sewers. Where we would be having the "best summer ever"

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