Rock War

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The rest of us were able to walk are bikes like normal people but Richie decided to ride his around us consistently.

"Your leg okay?" I looked back at Stan.

"Yeah, don't worry about me, we're not doing that much walking." I told him.

"We've been walking all day, Serene. We can take a break or get you an ice pack, or something."

"Stanley, I will let you know if I need anything, I promise." Richie came around are backs.

"No, I love being your personal doorman, really. Can you idiots have taken any longer?"

"Oh, my god. Shut up, Richie." Eddie told him.

"Yeah, shut up, Richie." Stan remarked.

"Richie, don't get yourself into something you know nothing about. You weren't even up in the bathroom."

"Oh, okay, trash the trash mouth. I get it. Hey, I wasn't the one scrubbing the bathroom floor and imagining that her sink went all Eddie's moms vagina on Halloween."

"Richie!" I harshly whispered at him.

"She didn't imagine it. I s-s-s-saw something, too." We all stopped and looked at Bill.

"You saw blood, too?" Stan asked him. No, stupid, we see are fears, and blood is not Bill's. Unless Bill became a girl and I didn't know.

"Not blood. I saw...G-G-Georgie. It seemed so real. I mean it seemed like him but there was this..." I looked at Eddie and I knew he knew.

"The clown...Yeah, I saw him, too." Eddie told us, he seemed ashamed.

"It was...the clown. It was there, but it shows up with are fears. I saw it, too." Ben nodded his head. Stan gave us the look, he saw it too.

"Wait, can only virgins see this stuff, is that why I'm not seeing this s***?" Richie asked.

"Way to ruin the moment." I whispered at him and he shrugged his shoulders.

We heard screaming and we all looked the way of the woods.

"Ah, s***, that's Belch Huggins car. We-We should probably get out of here." Eddie told us while pulling his bike back.

"Wait, isn't that the home schooled kids bike?" Bill asked.

"Yeah, that's Mike's." 

"We have to help him." Beverly told us.

"Already ahead of you, Bev." I set my bike down and ran to the edge of the woods. I looked back and waved for them to follow.

"We should?" Richie asked.

"Yes." Beverly told him and joined me at the edge of the woods. Eddie, Bill, and Ben all dropped there bikes. Beverly and I ran into the woods so I don't know about Stan and Richie.

Beverly threw the rock and it hit Bower's square in the side of the head. Moments before he was gonna bash Mike's head in with a rock.

"Hey, f*** tards!" I yelled at the boys and they all looked over.

"Nice throw." Stan told Beverly. The rest of the Losers were behind us.

Mike scrambled over to us. I stepped in the water and grabbed his hand halfway over. I was able to get him up and his arm over my shoulder.

"We're gonna get you of of here." I told him.

"I'm, Mike." He told me.

"I'm, Serene."

"I've heard a lot about you."

"I'm sure you've heard a lot of s***."

"Actually, the town really likes you."

"That's bs." I looked at him and he rapidly shook his head.

"I can tell you later."

"Okay, here, we can talk more. Just get up the rocks." He went up the rocks and the others helped him up. I turned towards the Bower's gang in the water.

"You Losers are trying to hard. She'll do you. You just gotta ask nicely."  Bower's started grabbing himself and I nearly threw up the food I didn't have. The other Loser's were giving Beverly side glances.

"Just like I did." Bower's finished what he was saying. And his goons laughed along.

Ben screamed with everything he had. Throwing a rock. I wasn't sure if it hit Bower's or barely missed him.

"What the f***?" One of them asked. Beverly threw a rock and it all started.

"Rock war!" Richie screamed. But he spoke to soon. He was hit in the forehead and fell to the ground.

"Spoke to soon, Rich." I scoffed at him and joined the war. It didn't take Eddie long to be standing next to me looking like a crazed animal.

Bower's goons retreated leaving him laying in the rocks. Bill stood in front of me and Eddie. We all were breathing heavily.

We all slowly left. I waited for Richie a yard away.

"Go blow you dad, you mullet wearing a** hole!" Richie yelled as Bower's continued to stare at us. Richie flipped Bower's off then walked to me.

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