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My legs had brought me to the main drag. Everything else had been fine, until it wasn't. The form stepped in front of me. They continued to push them self on me. I tried to make a noise but nothing was coming out, not one single word came out. My arms tried to push them off, but they weren't moving.

I looked at the face. Dad? No, that wasn't dad. This was...the twin. Yeah! The one, who had separated after Al came into the picture. It had started as the twins getting what they wanted. But then Al came into the picture. The two brothers got into a fight. Let's just say one shot the other and not another word was spoken between the two for four years.

"Hey, niece-y, did you miss me?" He pushed his face towards mine. Still no words. But, no, I did not miss him. 

"It's been quite a while." I could feel him getting hard against my ribs.

"Come on, Ser, loosen up. What's gotten into you." I continued to try and fight. That was until the p**s warm liquid drenched me. And him. My breaths weren't letting me catch him as the red liquid flowed over everything. No, no, no. No! He gasped and threw me to the ground.

"What is wrong with you!? Did you give me a disease?" I stood up and sprinted down the street. I made it to the woods. Nothing was to be heard through my ears, well except the throbbing through my leg. Yeah, that's right, I could hear the throbbing through my ear.

My foot pushed off the ledge and before I knew it I was plummeting, there was no stopping at this point. I had never been here by myself. Nobody would know if I just stopped surfacing, breathing. Nobody would notice.

My feet hit first. The water sprayed everywhere. I was fully submerged. 5..10...15...20 feet under. For the few minutes I pondered if I shouldn't pull myself back to the surface. It hit me that I couldn't do that. My head surfaced the water and  I took a deep breath. But that was the last breath.

My arms didn't support, they were flailing around in the water. My feet didn't kick, they layed there with no purpose as if they weren't connected to my body.

The water pressurized my lungs as it was all I could get. I couldn't see because it was all going in my eye. My nose was burning as if it had been lit on fire with a lighter.

Stan, Bill, Richie, Eddie, Beverly, Ben. I'm sorry. 

"Side by side." I whispered to myself. Nobody was there to finish it but I still imagined the last time Bill was there for it.

Soon, my arms were slowing down. All the energy was gone. I wanted to stay up but something was wrong, nothing was right about this. Nothing was telling my mind to keep going. My eyes got heavy and I was just a few inches from being fully submerged. 

I opened my eyes in the water. It was a beautiful shade of blue. As I watched the different shades of blue going past my eyes, my body was no longer cold and fighting for every last breath but it was warm and I felt like I'd be okay. It would all end okay.

So this was it. This is what dying felt like. No more struggling. I would be happy and feel safe. There are no dads where I'm going. They could cry for a while, be sad at the funeral. But then they would need to grow a pair and move on with life. Bev would find a way to get away from her dad. Ben would become something that would take a lot of reading. Bill would become an artist. Richie would become some comedian. Eddie would probably live in some over sanitized cave. And Stan. Stan would fine somebody else, somebody more him. The type of person he was meant to fall for. Richie and E-

I gasped as I realized where I was and what I was seeing. My knees gave out from under me. Except I was on the water. My knees were just there. I was actually floating on water.

Quickly I brought myself to my feet. I was located next to the cliff. I brought myself to walk to where I had last seen. My eyes adverted down and there it was. The form floating down into the water. Lifeless. Nothing but a whisper in the wind.

It took a minute but I nodded my head and walked away from the body. That was the last time I would see myself and it wasn't what I expected but it was okay. That was until the screaming rang over the quarry. 

Quickly I whipped my body around and there is was. Richie "trashmouth" Tozier. What was he-

"Sh*t! Richie, no! Please." I sobbed the last word but he couldn't hear me. 

"Serene! Serene, I swear to f***ing god! Where are you! Wait. No! No, no, no!" Richie's eyes were there. I saw him take a deep breath and then fling himself off the cliff. 

Richie's body caused a splash. He came up for air then plunged down deep. I held my breath. What felt like forever was only 10 seconds. Richie came up for air again and I could feel myself breathing. That was until Richie plunged back under the water. This time he was sobbing as he drug a figure towards the rocks. He pulled the body all the way up the rocks.

It was sad watching Richie sobbing over the body. Tears were flooding down his face as he screamed into the air. Slowly I made way to the small boy going through it all. Quietly I sat next to him and my head met his shoulder.

Water rushed through my lungs and I coughed it out with everything left in my lungs. Everything stung. It hurt, everything hurt. My eyes looked around to expect to see from an outside view but all I could see was Richie with tears streaming down his face. Richie looked at me as if I had just hit his grandma with a car.

"You were dead!"

"Are you crazy? You could have gotten yourself killed! You can barely hold you own weight, how smart was it to think you could pull the both of us over the rocks!"

"I just saved your life! Are you kidding me? You were drowning in the place you've been swimming in since forever!"

"Maybe, forever was supposed to end today, Richie, ever think of that?" His eyebrows scrunched together.

"What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't thinking, Richie."

"I can obviously see that."

"No, Richie, I mean that it wasn't me. Something took over my body and this is where it brought me."

"So, I saved you from possession."


"No, Ser, you're gonna listen to me. I don't know what got into you. But if me and Bill hadn't been concerned about are recent seeings of you, then you would be sinking to the bottom of the quarry. The quarry we were just in. Chances are the Losers would have been the ones to find your body. What would Bill, Eddie, Stan, Bev...what would I do, without you. There is no world that works without you. We love you and we need you. We f***ing need you. I need you to f***ing wake up and breath everyday." I could feel the thoughts going through my head and all I could do was wrap my arms around the poor boy.

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