It wants to divide us

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Mrs.K grabbed Eddie from us and started pointing.

"You! You did this. You know how delicate he is." She pulled him to the car.

"We were attacked, M-Mrs.K." Bill tried to tell her.

"No, don't. Don't try and blame anyone." She shut the passenger door after Eddie was inside. She dropped the keys and Beverly went to help but Mrs.K pushed her away.

"Let me help."

"No! Back!" She picked up the keys and got in Beverly's face. I tried to go at her but Stanley stopped me.

"Oh, I've heard plenty about you, Ms.Marsh, and I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son." I got out of Stan's grasp but Mike grabbed me from attacking the women.

"Mrs.K, I s-s-sw-"

"No! You are all monsters! All of you, and Eddie is done with you. Do you hear? Done!" She walked around the car and I caught Eddie's glance.

"I'm sorry." I mouthed to him and I looked down before I could see him say anything else. I looked down on me letting the others go in there. I should have gone by myself. I looked down on myself for letting the other losers down.

If I would have just gone by myself, Eddie wouldn't have gotten split up from the us and broke his arm, Richie wouldn't have had to seen whatever he saw in that room, Bill wouldn't have had to hear about his brother from the clown, Ben wouldn't have gotten hurt, and the others wouldn't have had to seen what they saw.

We watched the women leave in silence. We walked into the street after her car.

"I saw the well. W-W-We know where it is a-a-and next time we'll be better prepared."

"No! No, next time, Bill. You're insane!" Stan told him.

"Why? We all know no one else is going to do anything." Beverly told us the truth.

"Eddie was nearly killed! And look at this mother f***er, he's leaking hamburger helper! And Serene's back got sliced open like she was on a surgery table." 

"Richard, shut up." I scolded him.

"We can't pretend it's gonna go away. Ben you said it yourself, it comes back every 27 years." Beverly reminded him.

"Fine! I'll be 40 and far away from here. I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town, too."

"Because I want to run towards something, not away."

"I'm sorry, who invited Molly Ringwald into the group." Beverly flipped him off.

"Richie?" Stan asked.

"I'm just saying let's face facts. Real world, Georgie is dead, stop trying to get us all killed, too."

"Richie!" I yelled at him. Richie tried to walk away but Bill grabbed him by the shirt.

"Georgie's not dead."

"You couldn't save him, but you can still save yourself." Richie tried to walk away again but Bill got in his way.

"N-N-No, t-t-tt-take it back! Your scared, we all are. But take it back!" Bill shoved Richie. I tried to get in the middle of it but Bill took the swing and Richie went to the ground. Mike and Stan held him back. Richie said something about the Losers club. Ben held Bill back.

"Your just a bunch of losers and you'll get yourselves killed."

"This is f***ing bulls***! Are you f***ing kidding me! Jesus f***ing Christ! Richie and Bill you two are some of the original Losers and this is what it's come to! I thought that the Loser's club was a safe place where we could trust each other and not tear each other apart, what happened to that. So f***ing Jesus save me-"

"Stop!" Beverly yelled and they all stopped trying to go at each other. I stopped in the middle of my sentence.

"This is what It wants, It wants to divide us! We were all together when we heard it, that's why were still alive."

"Yeah, well I plan to keep it that way." Richie and Stan walked away and I ran after them.

"Richard Tozier! Stanley Uris!" They both turned and looked at me.

"I don't know why your giving up. On Bill. On the Losers. But I really f***ing hope that if it were me, or Bill, or Eddie. I hope that you two wouldn't give up like this, that you would look and look until there wasn't anymore looking to do. That you wouldn't assume that we were dead immediately. That you would try!" They looked from me, then to the ground. I turned and walked back to Bill.

"You know where to find us." I heard Richie tell me.

"And you know when and where my Bar Mitsvah is. Wear the dress in your closet." I felt an urge of tears come to me but I held it back and walked back to Bill.

"Mike." Beverly stopped him.

"Guys, I can't do this. My grand dad was right, I'm an outsider. Gotta stay that way." I stood next to Beverly and Bill and we watched all the other Losers leave.

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