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My fathers fist met the right side of my face again before I could get a good look at the thing behind him. I hit the floor, hard. Harder than normal. I let out a small sob as he slowly walked away.

"Are you crying again. You f**king baby!" He was about to turn back but I threw myself off the floor and through my door.

"Get back here, you little b***h!" I heard his steps and I bolted the door as fast as I could and ran to the window. I crawled through and shut the window, hard. Down the five flight of stairs. My bike was laying where I left it, I don't think I've ever biked to Richie's faster than I had.

I threw my bike down and ran to the front door.

"Richie, answer the d**n door!" It was his mother.

Richie got to the door and opened it.

"Oh, my god!" Well that was his reaction. His mother came around him and gasped. She was about to push him out of the way but knew that all I needed was my medical kit from the bedroom. She walked away. Richie quickly grabbed my hand and shut the door behind me.

Slowly he helped me down the long hallway.. He kept an arm on my waist and a hand on my arm the whole walk to his bedroom. We walked into his bedroom and he shut the door.

After digging under the bed he pulled out the medical kit I always kept here. I just felt it was safer here.

"Do you know what you need?" It took me a minute but I was finally able to form the words.

"Um, if you can hand me the kit can you get me a wet rag, heat pack, and a glass of water?" I asked him. He handed me the kit and ran out of the room.

I went to the mirror and looked at myself. My left side of my face was red but not as bad as the right side of my face. It was cut open about two inches, bruised all around, my eye was a little swollen but not bad. But there was also the blood dripping from my mouth that I didn't notice.

I unzipped the medical kit and knew exactly what I would have to do. I sterilized the needle and then grabbed a gauze pad and alcohol. I looked to my left and grabbed one of Richie's belts. I folded it and bit down on it.

The alcohol burned but I didn't make to much noise. Once it was cleaned I put the pad down and picked the needle up. I had it threaded and lifted the needle to my point of view. It took a few deep breaths but I finally brought it to my face and made the first loop.

But of course that's when Richie walked in, he nearly screamed like a little girl.

"What the f**k are you doing? Is that even sanitary?"

"Will you shut up please!" I shook my hand and he must have taken the message because he set the stuff down and sat next to me. He very nicely grabbed my hand. The only bad thing was that he groaned and gr inced every other second. 

"Okay, I'm done." I cut the extra thread and set the needle down. I saw Richie's eyes follow the needle because it was covered in blood. I put the needle back in the sterilizer.

"Next, I need the rag, please?" He leaned over and handed me the rag. I quickly wiped the blood from my mouth. I set the rag down on the medical bag.

"Um, the heat pack?" He plugged it in and set it up on his bed. He walked back and helped me off the ground. Laying in Richie's bed watching him scatter around, wasn't sure how I should have felt. Scared, because he would never do this for any body else and he willingly dropped everything or relieved and happy because he did drop everything and he's being very helpful, and I got extremely lucky.

"Do you want the ice pack?" I nodded my head and he left the room. His mother quickly walked in.

"Hey, sweetheart." She was being nice. But she normally is when people are over.

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