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The window shut and the sound of walking echoed through my ears.

"Stan was here?" I turned over and Beverly was holding a paper in her hands. Who knew what that paper was. I pulled the blanket over my face and groaned.

"Well, Good morning, Sunshine!" She sat on the bed. Bev reached for the blanket but I clenched it in my fists. 

"Come on, it can't be that bad."

"What can't be that bad?"

"Well, you were biking extremely fast last night." Neighbors. I rolled my eyes internally. She knew, but she didn't know what exactly.

"Ugh. Okay, yeah, something did happen. But that's not why your here."

"Well, your good at the guessing game. I want to go get breakfast at the diner. For the first day of summer, I'm paying." She said the last part with a sing songy voice. It took a moment to decide but I decided to uncover my face.

"Yay!" Bev was already trying to pull me out of the bed.

"One thing at a time, Beverly." She got up from the bed and walked to the closet.

"Then, while you get up I'm choosing your clothes. Anything specific? Besides shoes." I stretched out on the bed.

"What would you wear in the sewers?"

"You guys are seriously going into the sewers?" I laughed while yawning.

"It's just another one of Bill's conspiracies." She nodded her head. My eyes glanced at the clock and I saw that Beverly woke me up at 7:59 on the first day of summer. I groaned at her. 

"It's a good day, plenty of things to do."

"What happened to Beverly, I want her back." I rolled back into my blankets. She threw my shoe and me and it bounced off my foot onto the floor. Beverly walked to the bed and layed down blue over alls, a  baby blue t-shirt, long black socks, and she set one she down and picked the other one up.

"I made sure your dad wasn't here multiple times and he's not. Pretty sure I heard him leave in the middle of the night."

"Thanks, Beverly."

"You know I'd do anything for you." I smiled and she un bolted the door. She stopped dead in her tracks and turned to me while I was sitting up in bed. My eye sight followed hers to the note she had been holding earlier.

"So, Stan was here?" I scoffed at her.

"He was, yes." She walked back into the bedroom.

"What happened?"

"Tell you at the diner?" She happily nodded her head and walked into the bathroom. I grabbed the clothes and quickly threw them on. The socks and shoes were harder to get on because of my rib cage.

I walked to the bathroom and stopped as my foot made it over the line. Was there gonna be something again? Stan? Georgie? My mother? I would just have to hope not.

Beverly was sitting on the toilet seat holding a picture.

"Who is this?" She showed me the picture. I felt a smile grow across my face. It was the picture of me holding Georgie a few hours after he had been born.

"It's Georgie, that was soon after he had been born, yeah, the "good ole days"."

"Geez, you really have known them forever."

"Yeah." I looked into the mirror and it was just me. Nobody else. While I was brushing through my hair Beverly stood up behind me.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

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