Bower's Gang

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We had all split and I was walking towards the house, by myself. The yells were the first thing I heard. Before they were right behind me. I ran but one of them came from out of nowhere in a car. Where was I supposed to go? Nowhere, was available. Bower's grabbed me by the arm and flipped me around.

"Where's Hockstetter?" He screamed in my face.

"Dude, there is such thing as toothpaste, you know that, right?" He spit right on my forehead.

"I know you know where he is, now your gonna tell me right now, you little b***h!" His group was watching him and the car was still there. I saw the escape route, now the thing was achieving it.

"I don't know where your little pet it, Bowers." He scoffed and looked at his group, like I was the clown.

"You've been hanging with the fat-boy. He was running after fat-boy, when all of a sudden, oh, we never see him again. Coincidence? No, I don't think so. Right, boys?" The two just shook there heads.

"You know, I did already tell you, where he was." 

"Now, that would be a lie because you didn't say s**t.-" He reached into his jean pocket.

"So, we can do this the easy way,-" He motioned as we talk.

"-or, I could always start carving." He pulled the knife out and drug it down my face.

"Bower's, as much as I appreciate that amazing offer, I'm gonna have to pass." He nodded his head and grinned.

"Then, I guess we're gonna be having a little fun." He pulled the trim of my shirt up a few inches. I brought my elbow up and made contact with his neck. It wasn't much but it worked. He staggered and I heard the knife clatter. That was my cue. I turned back and ran the way I had come from.

"You little s**t!" I heard the running footsteps behind me. It went quiet. Or at least I thought they were gone until I felt the piercing pain in my right thigh. My hand reached down. 

How? He had thrown the knife and it had perfectly pierced my skin. How? How could that even be possible? Who could do that?

I heard the laughs echo through my mind as I retched the knife out and threw it on the ground. I did notice that it wasn't the same knife as usual. But that didn't matter. The edge of the woods was in the distance. But I saw the familiar little boy walking down the street. Near the Neibolt house. It was my best bet.

"Eddie! Eddie!" I screamed as my hand clenched my thigh. My legs were taking me as fast as the could. I'd never seen somebody turn faster. All he could do was keep taking puffs of his inhaler. I even know he couldn't see my leg, meaning he was just having a "Eddie" moment.

"Serene? What's wrong?" I looked down and saw that the blood wasn't to be seen on the outside of my hand. But I could feel it sloshing around by my palm.

"Do you have any bandage?!" I asked urgently and he had to take a few puffs.

"No! Why?! Ser, what's going on?!" I shook my head. No help at all. 

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