Are we done?

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I let Bill and Beverly walk with me to the apartments. I walked up the stairs and got to the window.

"Stanley Uris you've gotta be f***ing kidding." The window was completely fixed, the glass was all cleaned up, and the photos were nicely put on the bed. I painfully climbed through the window and noticed a letter on the bed.

My fingers were inches from the note when I heard a knock on the front door. I nearly jumped to the ceiling. I quickly grabbed a plain black hoodie and quickly threw it over my back. I wanted to scream but I bit my lip to contain the noise.

My eyes barely made it to the peephole.

"S***." I whispered and opened the door.

"Officer Kelt, how are you?" He smiled and took off his cap.

"Ms.Deiry, I am doing fine, and you?" I smiled at him.

"Doing pretty good on my side of things." Oh thank god for good lying skills.

"That's good to hear."

"Can I just ask if your here to take me away or anything?" He let out a few chuckles.

"Have I ever been here to take you away? No, it's your father again, but this time it's...well, it's bad this time." My heart sank to the bottom of my heart, I've never heard that last part before.

"Is anybody dead?"

"Not quite."

"Not quite? Not quite!"

"Can you just come down to the station, I can explain everything on the way."

"Of course. Just let me lock up and grab a few things."

"Yeah, I can wait right here." I nodded my head and ran back to the apartment.First I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair. That way the dirt, dust, and cob webs couldn't be questioned. Then I went to my bedroom and grabbed the lanyards with the house keys.

I shut my bed room door and locked the apartment door before walking down the hallway. Next to the cop. Let's hope this didn't raise all eyes. Just a teen girl walking next the officer.

"You don't have to sit in the back, you can sit in the passenger." I nodded my head and we walked out of the apartment building. He held the door open and shut it behind me.

I waited for him to sit in the driver seat. Once he was starting the car I rested my head on the window.

"Alright, what did he do now?"

"Are you sure you want to know everything?"

"You know, out of all these years and all the times we've been in this same situation, I'm shocked you still ask that question."

"Okay, you stand a fair point."

"I know that I do. So let's hear it." He started to drive the car.

"Your father was at the bar for many hours. Many, many, many hours. There were three girls that had come down for summer break. They were at the same bar as your father. Your father took each girl into the bathroom, one at a time, locked the door, and raped them mercilessly. But when the last girl tried to fight for it. Before she completely blacked out, she told us he started to completely fight her back. That girl is now in the hospital in extensive care." We pulled into the parking spot in front of the station.

"Do they know if the girl is gonna be okay?"

"Last time they told me anything, they said she was in surgery, and they wouldn't be sure for a few more hours."

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