Arriving at the Well House

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Bill and I peddled like h*** all the way to the house. We threw are bikes down. We made it up the stairs to the porch when Bill turned to me.


"If this is the part where you try to tell me to not follow you, f*** off." He smiled.

"N-N-No. That's not what I was gonna s-s-say."

"Well, then, please proceed."

"T-T-Thank you."

"Why are you thanking me?"

"Well, first off for being the most amazing person in the w-w-world and my b-b-best friend. I will n-n-n-never stop thanking you for that. You know I l-love and appreciate you, but sometimes I feel like I don't say it e-e-enough. You made G-G-Georgie happy and you haven't stopped looking and you haven't g-g-given up."

"I'm not letting your dumb a** go in there by yourself. Because it seems like your leading up to that part."

"B-B-But if you really wanted to you could stay out h-h--here. You said that your aunt said that her brother went missing and then her best friend. What if I am your aunt of this cycle, and we go in there and I lose you."

"No! I would have followed you anyways. Or I would have even gone by myself. But Bill, your my best friend and what ever dumb a** s*** you get yourself drug into, you already know that means I'm involved in that dumb a** s***." He stuck out his right pinkie and I interlocked mine.

"S-S-Side by side."

"Til the end of time." I finished and grabbed a crow bar from the ground. But when I stood back up Bill embraced me in his arms.

"Your my b-b-best friend and I l-l-ove you."

"Bill. Your my best friend and I love you, too. Now let's go kill this f***ing clown." We were about to enter when we heard the voices of the people that let us leave in the first place.

They dropped there bikes.

"You two can't go in there. This is crazy." Beverly told us.

"Nobody's gonna stop us because we're already there." I told them.

"Look, you don't have to come in with us. But what happens when another Georgie goes missing or another Betty or another Ed Corkoran or one of us. Are you just gonna pretend it isn't happening like every one else in this town? Because I can't. I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there. His clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals but he isn't there. So walking into this house, for me, it's easier than walking into my own." Bill turned back towards the door and I looked at him in amazement.

"Wow." Richie told the group.

"What?" Ben asked.

"He didn't stutter, once." Richie walked to the stairs. Ben following.

"He didn't stutter once and he just showed you all up." I told them. The whole group.

"Wait!" Every body turned to Stan.

"Um, shouldn't we have some people to keep watch? You know, just in case something bad happens."

"Who w-w-wants to stay out here?" Bill asked. I watched as all the others besides Beverly raised there hand. Richie put his hand down and looked at us.

"F***." He whispered. We were preparing to go in.

"Serene!" I looked at the boy.

"Yeah, Stanley?"

"Can I talk to you, before you go in, please?"

"Uh, yeah, sure, why not." I whispered to myself and walked to him.

"But, if this is you trying to talk me out of going in there then I don't want to here it." He drug me to the fence.

"It's more of a question."

"Okay, proceed."

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you. Um-"

"Stan, you do realize I have to be in that house right about now, right?"

"Yeah, I know, and that's what I'm afraid of."

"We all know danger is basically my middle name."

"Serene Antonelli Deiry, will you be my girlfriend?" I looked at him in shock.

"If now's not a good time and you want to say no, I would totally get it. I woul-"

"Stanley! Of course!"

"Wait, seriously."

"Why the f*** would I say no?"

"I don't know I just, you know?"

"I think I know, but I actually have to get going. You know stupid clown business."

"Serene, please be careful."

"Careful is my middle name."

"I thought it was danger."

"Shut the f*** up!" I kissed him on the cheek and ran for the house.

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