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Look at them. Flocking around Wooyoung as if he was the most important thing on the planet. Well, to San it was that way, but he liked Wooyoung before it was cool. He scowled angrily at the short-skirted girl that clung onto him like a monkey to a tree branch — she honestly looked like one in San's eyes too.

San hated secretly crushing on Jung Wooyoung. Everyone seemed to like him, and San had a decent amount of friends too, but Wooyoung knew everyone. He was just so handsome, everyone was drawn to him immediately.

On this particular day, he was wearing glasses for the first time in forever, and most found it as a surprise. But San just scoffed — he had been there for the first, second and third time he had worn glasses. Although he looked extra handsome with spectacles on, San couldn't fangirl as much as everyone else.

He was so beautiful, but San could only watch from afar.

The short-skirted girl was honestly getting on San's nerves. She was unbearably clingy. It hurt San inside — not as much as he found the sight gross and disgusting though. He won't lie, she's beautiful — anyone would be lucky to date her, really. But the way she was on top of Wooyoung made him want to puke.

"San, stop staring, you weirdo."

He was pulled out of his silent brooding quickly and blushed bright red. "Shut up, Yeosang, I wasn't staring."

Yeosang, San's best friend, rolled his eyes playfully. "Sure you weren't. And I don't like Seonghwa."

"What? I thought you liked Jongho anyways," San replied in a teasing tone. Yeosang blushed at the mention of his love dilemma and punched San in the arm, with quite little effect.

"I don't know if I like cute guys or hot guys, okay? Shut up," Yeosang muttered, turning to face put the window again. "At least you know you like Jung Wooy—"

San quickly covered Yeosang's mouth, hissing a really loud 'sSsShhHHH' at the boy. "Shut your mouth! He can probably hear you!"

Yeosang rolled his eyes and began speaking incoherently. San frowned and removed his hands. "It doesn't matter if he knows or not. You'll never confess anyways."

San lowered his limbs lamely at that. Yeosang was right. No matter how much he really liked Jung Wooyoung, he knew he'd never have the guts to tell him. Wooyoung would always seem so far out of reach, because he had that little barricade known as 'popularity' surrounding him.

"Whatever," San muttered, crossing his arms and resting his head on them on the windowsill. "It's not like I can, anyways. He always has people around him. I bet a ton of people have confessed to him already."

"What if he's waiting for you?" Yeosang asked softly. San shook his head as if to deny that statement.

"Never. He's probably straight," San sighed, glancing over at Wooyoung one last time. He laughed — a beautiful, heartwarming laugh. San felt his insides melt just by hearing his boisterous laugh.

All he wanted was for Wooyoung to be his.

[ Note ]
— short chapters
— please point out grammatical errors

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